Writing: We Must Improve Writing

Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project
3 min readFeb 7, 2016

The point of this post is writing. We write to communicate our thoughts. To become a better communicator, we have to improve our writing. Through as many mediums as possible, and to do this a category for my blog called #WorkingOnWriting has been made. Thanks to my Snapchat buddy, Blake Croft.

Here is his SnapCode so you can follow him as he also improves his writing (and his killer story telling abilities). The goal for him is to write everyday for thirty days. I have committed to do this as well, but I also want to have a category on my blog that allows me to work on my writing FOREVER.

Writing is Important

Well maybe not forever, but for as long as I can. Writing is important, you see, every type of media channel depends on writing. For example, videos rely on scripts, images are worth a thousand _________, audio has words that are also scripted, and books are full of words outlined to tell a story. Therefore, as long as we are around, our writing skills must improve in order for us to improve on an individual and collective level. With this said, we just need to write about anything.

Speed of Light

So anything I write, I write for anything and it may or may not make sense, but that is okay for we express ourselves with words and expression. For example, when I am working on my writing, my thoughts need to run faster than the speed of light through my fingertips as I strike each key on the keyboard (does this even make sense?). If, I don’t keep up with the speed of light my thoughts will get lost as I will be to slow to keep up with my thoughts. In fact, when I wrote my first book #ThePowerfulDay: How To Empower Our Lives With 7 Healthy Habits, I recorded myself speaking after I wrote the outline so my thoughts could just spill out of my mouth instead of my hands. Coincidentally it allowed me to get my book done without blocking my thoughts from writing or typing to slow. Hence, in order for me to write about anything, I MUST write about random things; so don’t judge me for this category as the number of post increase. Actually, judge me, tell me my work is crap and critique my work as much as you’d like.

This category is meant to improve my skills so I can produce better quality content for you to enjoy. AND, the better I can write the better my personality will bleed through my writing, like the blood spilling out of a cut artery. This would be awesome for both of us, because you get to learn about my personality with every post as I get to better understand who I am as a person. Allowing us to help the world and have a positive affect as we contribute to society. With this said, here is my call to action.

Call To Action

Write a sentence on the social media platform of your choice to improve your writing, and if you’d like, share this link so others can do the same.



Snapchat: jjr236

Originally published at www.jeremyreddig.com on February 7, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace