Benefits, Opportunities, Learnings — Working Students at Workpath tell their stories

Workpath Team
8 min readJul 29, 2020


Finding a student job that offers more than financial compensation and executing tasks is something that most students are looking for nowadays. At Workpath, we are very aware of that. Student jobs are not only useful to let you pay your rent but are also a great opportunity to find out in which way you want to develop professionally and help you to take the first steps in your career. In this interview, four of our working students will tell you about how they found their way to Workpath, what makes it special for working students here and what their career opportunities are. Maybe you are next?

How did you hear about Workpath the first time?

Nico: I found out about Workpath on LinkedIn when I was looking for a job after coming back from an internship abroad. Workpath directly catched my attention because I had heard about OKRs before but unfortunately never worked with them. Workpath not only made it possible for me to work with OKRs but also enable others to work with OKRs and manage them on the Workpath platform.

Maximilian: Some Workpath people came to my university between lectures and handed out gift bags with a flyer about job opportunities at Workpath.

Lucian: I met our CEO Johannes at a university event. Afterwards he invited me to the office to have an informal chat about working at Workpath and finding a relevant position for me.

What convinced you to join Workpath?

Nico: Not only is Workpath a fast growing company with a motivated team but also the perfect place to learn and constantly develop yourself. I like that the product adds a lot of value for notable customers and helps them to go from “inert dinosaur” to “agile zebra” – that’s great. I also liked the thought of diving deeper into OKRs and even becoming an OKR Coach.

Teresa: There are three reasons that convinced me: The familiar, friendly working atmosphere, being able to own my own tasks and hence, being able to learn a lot as well as the job position itself: not many companies offer an Event and Community Marketing position.

Lucian: The team. I already had a contract for another job opportunity in my inbox while talking with Workpath. But after meeting with the team I rejected the other offer. To me it is really important that the people you work with are not only smart but also kind and fun. In such an atmosphere, you learn a lot and enjoy being at work at the same time. This definitely applies to Workpath.

Can you briefly describe what your responsibilities are as a working student at Workpath?

Nico: As a Customer Success Working Student I work a lot on internal and strategic topics such as upselling and pricing. I furthermore support our team in hiring and work on other upcoming topics such as helping with the conception and execution of an online Masterclass.

Teresa: In my position as Event and Community Manager I am responsible for two main areas: In community management, I create, execute and evaluate campaigns for the Workpath community on a regular basis. Regarding event management, I am mainly responsible for the concept, organization and implementation of internal events like our “Quarterly” as well as for searching and contacting interesting people for external event formats (Events, Webinars, Podcasts). Beyond that, I support the Marketing team with e.g. SEO optimization, or content creation.

Maximilian: I support the Sales team with all sales relevant background activities. While working with the team, my responsibilities developed into a linkage to Marketing, as well as a sales operations role. As I said, high responsibility and high personal development.

Lucian: I work in our partner management team and am therefore responsible for acquiring new partners and maintaining a healthy relationship with existing ones. These partners are consulting firms that are experienced with topics around agile transformation and strategy execution. In this way, we ensure best-in-class support for our customers through our partners while being able to grow Workpath as a software company.

What do you like about your responsibilities?

Nico: I really like that I can work with a lot of freedom and bring in my own ideas. Tasks vary greatly and never get boring. It’s also great to see that the outcomes of my work are used and not only “stored in a drawer”.

Teresa: I like the diversity of the tasks, that I can gain knowledge through my task execution and be creative in what I do.

Maximilian: I like to have my own area of expertise, colleagues who have questions about anything in my responsibilities directly come to me and I collaborate with different teams. I also like to see my own efforts affect my team’s success. Specifically when I take over a task for a sales rep and see their calendar free up for more pressing tasks on their side.

Lucian: There are two things that I like best about my responsibilities. First, my work has a great impact on the company’s success. Seeing the effect your work has on the success of the company really drives me to do the things diligently with high quality standards. Second, my responsibilities include quite a few challenges.

What makes being a working student at Workpath special compared to other companies?

Nico: The team is very supportive and appreciates ideas and initiatives. There is no differentiation between working students, interns and permanent employees. All opinions matter the same in a great way.

Teresa: Being responsible for my own tasks and being treated like a “real” employee makes working at Workpath very different to other companies. Also the amount of personal growth is huge — I learned a lot since I work here.

Maximilian: The atmosphere at Workpath is different to most other companies. There is no one who only “does their time”, everyone is engaged and works as their part of the community towards the common goals.

Lucian: Being a working student at Workpath means you are not executing the boring tasks that full-time employees didn’t want to do. You are responsible for your own field and actively take and drive decisions together with your team.

How would you describe the Workpath team?

Nico: The Workpath team comes from different backgrounds, is motivated and really believes in the company’s vision. People are focused on what they are working on and enjoy it. The balance between focused work and fun is great.

Teresa: The team is like a big family, always supporting each other. As the people are inspiring, fun and diverse, Workpath is a place where everybody feels welcome and happy to join.

Maximilian: People at Workpath are dynamic, aspiring and collaborative.

Lucian: The people you meet at Workpath are very smart and driven and do not compromise on kindness and fun. One usually measures the compensation of a job in money, which is definitely an important part. But everything you learn from your colleagues (and together with your colleagues) as well as the fun you have at work (and after work events) are also two very important factors that should be taken into account when choosing a job. Considering all three factors, I can definitely say that I was never compensated better at another job.

What career paths does working at Workpath open to you?

Nico: At Workpath you will become a specialist in agile frameworks, especially OKRs. This allows you to work as an OKR Coach or trainer afterwards or just be the go-to person when it comes to OKRs.

Teresa: Working at Workpath opens a career in the Event and/or Marketing field and especially in other smaller companies where I can use the knowledge and flexibility gained at Workpath

Maximilian: The work in such a fast paced company with big changes on almost a weekly frequency increases my own adaptability and creativity in terms of processes. This experience is valued in every firm and helps to open doors to many jobs I wouldn’t be considered for without the experience as a working student at Workpath.

Can you imagine doing a full time job at Workpath as well? If so, why and which one would it be?

Nico: Workpath offers many interesting opportunities in different paths. At the moment though I couldn’t imagine working full time for Workpath since I want to found my own company.

Teresa: Yes definitely. I can imagine being responsible for all the event formats (own and external events) or work at Workpath as a Community Manager.

Lucian: After finishing my studies, I have the opportunity to start a full-time job here at Workpath. This is particularly attractive for me as I know our customers, the team and the product very well. In that sense, my working student job at Workpath can serve as a kick-starter for a full-time position with a high growth potential.

What should one bring along who wants to be a working student at Workpath?

Nico: Working students should be motivated to work in an agile and fast paced environment. They should be able to work on their own, bring in their own ideas and have fun learning new things.

Teresa: You should be eager and motivated to learn, like to work independently as well as taking on responsibilities, and not hesitating to bring in your own ideas.

Maximilian: Creativity, courage to speak out and drive for self growth and to support the growth of others.

Lucian: You should definitely bring the willingness to grow. You shouldn’t view a working student job only as a provider of a nice student income. View it as an opportunity to find out what you are good at and passionate about and then learn as much as you can in this field from all the smart people around you. I think with this mindset, you already bring one of the most important qualities.

If this article made you curious to find out more about Workpath or if you are interested in a working student position, feel free to have a look at our job openings. We are also glad to keep you posted about future job opportunities. Feel free to therefore join our talent pool or send a mail to

