How to apply for a Job at Workpath

Sophia Langlinderer
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2022

You want to apply for a job with us? Great, then you’ve come to the right place!

In the following, we’ll show you in more detail how our application process works and what to expect in the individual phases.

In general, the application process for internships and student trainee positions differs from applications for permanent positions in the number of interview phases. Applicants for internships and student trainee positions always go through phase 1 and then phase 3 or 4.

Application process


Job Search

Search at our job portal for interesting job postings. There you will find an “Apply Now” button or you can scroll down and fill in the information in the form. If you don’t find a job that suits you at the moment, you are also welcome to apply for our talent pool. Since we are growing rapidly, we are always looking for new people, which is why we regularly add new job offers.

Documents: For us, your resume and CV are especially important. You don’t necessarily need a cover letter, but it would be helpful for us if the questions like location, salary requirement and start date are filled in the job portal. For more information you can read our blog article on what your application documents should include.

Get interviewed

Before your interviews you can read our article about how to prepare yourself for our interviews.

1. Screening Call

After we have reviewed your documents, we invite you to a first short video call. You will first speak with one of our Talent Acquisition Managers. In this 30-minute meeting, we want to get to know you and introduce ourselves as an employer. This is a completely casual conversation for which you don’t need to do much preparation, as we first want to get to know you as a person in order to assess how you personally fit into our team and culture. All it takes is a simple preparation where you check out our product on the website as well as our social media channels. Afterwards we will give you a short overview of the next steps.

2. Professional Interview

In the second phase, you will get to know the Team Lead for the respective position. Here you will briefly introduce yourself, your professional background as well as your school career and also learn more about the Team Leader. You will talk about the role and the related responsibilities to see to what extent your ideas match those of the Team Lead.

After a successful Professional Interview you will receive a small challenge with an introduction from our Talent Acquisition team, which you will work on and then present to the team in the next interview step.

3. Technical and Cultural Interview

As the name suggests, we want you to get to know your new team in this phase, because in addition to your fit for the role, a good fit with your colleagues is important to us. In this phase you have the chance to present your challenge and afterwards get to know the team & our culture more in detail in a loose exchange. Feel free to tell us more about how you like to work and how you work in a team.

4. Co-Founder Interview

In our last interview phase you will talk directly with our founders Pascal or Johannes. Here we talk about the developments, strategies and goals at Workpath and how you fit into these plans.


Job Offer

If you continue to convince us of your fit with us, there is nothing standing in the way of your employment at Workpath and you will receive an offer from us.


First day

You will receive an onboarding and can start to get to know your colleagues right away. With our buddy program, we also provide a person from the company for the first few months who will accompany you during the settling-in phase and support you with everything from professional questions to private issues. Our goal is that you feel valued from the first minute and that the start of your unique time at Workpath is a complete success.

Hopefully we will see you soon in a first call :)

Do you have any questions? Then send an email to

