The Future is Now Available

Workpath Team
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2018

To ensure the best care, your healthcare team must be ready, trained, and available at all times. Whether you’re dispatching employees or third party vendors to important appointments, it’s increasingly challenging to track those who are certified and available. That’s why we’re adding a new feature to the Workpath platform to give your labor an opportunity to easily enter their availability into our mobile app so that you can automatically assign work to the most qualified team member ready to receive the job.

Why This Matters:

Workpath’s platform automatically finds the most qualified labor based on rules you define. By integrating our new availability feature, you will be able to secure the right person to deliver the right care at the right time. The new feature, which will be available in mid-November, is designed to help healthcare organizations work more efficiently so they can focus on what really matters — their patients and customers.

How It Will Work:

Your techs, specialists, phlebotomists, nurses, and more will use the Workpath mobile app to enter the hours they are on-duty and ready to accept new work. Your office users (managers, schedulers, admins, and more) can view their availability and assign work accordingly or sit back and let our system intelligently match the right fit. Your team will receive automatic notifications if work is posted during their available hours.

The Big Picture

Any organization can use Workpath’s platform to automate the management of their labor, reduce waste, and improve their efficiency. Workpath integrates with existing systems like Allscripts, Epic, and Cerner. Industries currently leveraging Workpath’s intelligence include health systems, home health agencies, phlebotomy labor providers, insurance examiners, nursing organizations, diagnostic laboratories, and other healthcare leaders. In addition, the Workpath platform is used by healthcare organizations to schedule daily shifts and on-call shifts at facilities and patient homes, to staff events, to fill open shifts, and to schedule recurring shifts.

Our latest availability feature at Workpath is just around the corner, representing yet another important step we’re taking to improve team efficiency, logistics, and compliance within the entire healthcare industry! Contact us for questions or to discuss how Workpath can help you coordinate, dispatch, and improve care.

