5 Ways the Shy Shine at Workplace

Workplace from Facebook
Workplace from Facebook
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Diversity of thought fosters internal innovation, business growth and a positive, inclusive work culture. And it comes in many forms.

One form sometimes overlooked are shy individuals — or as I like to call them “the safe keepers of genius.” Not all employees feel comfortable addressing senior stakeholders, delivering presentations, or coming up with ideas on the spot in front of peers. And this doesn’t mean that there isn’t a place for their thoughts and ideas to be heard.

By using inclusive work tools and processes, companies can ensure that they embrace diversity of opinion and that the voices of shy individuals aren’t drowned out by louder people in the crowd.

Here are a few ways that Facebook and Workplace enable diversity of thought to shine through in the workplace.

1. We Are All Allies

If we see someone being spoken over in a meeting, we are encouraged to say something like, “Jo wanted to share some feedback, could we hear what he/she has to say?” This is a simple, non-confrontational way to ensure that the figurative microphone is shared equally around the room. It then becomes the responsibility of everyone in the meeting to ensure that all the best ideas are heard, not just those of the same people who tend to speak up first in meetings.

2. Subtle Reactions

We use Workplace for team work and collaboration. One of the great things about the way the platform works is that shy individuals can share how they feel about projects and company updates through the use of reactions, rather than having to write a post or email every time they want to be involved in a discussion. A simple “like,” “wow” or “love” shares real-time sentiment that before may have never been expressed.

3. Images Speak Volumes

On Workplace, users can comment using images, stickers, GIFs and videos. Again, another light-touch way to contribute at work that we may not have otherwise heard if email was the main communication tool. Although they may seem trivial, at Workplace we find that GIFs are a great way to express how you’re feeling in a funny, relatable way. They help inject more humour and fun into the day-to-day at work.

4. Social Builds Confidence

We have a ton of social groups on Workplace to cater to all people and interests, like Women @ Workplace, Parents @ Facebook, and the wildly popular Dogs @ Facebook. These are great spaces to meet peers, get comfortable, and build confidence to share more.

5. Regular Recognition

Leaders, managers, and colleagues can all share, comment on, and “like” content on Workplace that is shared to public groups. This breaks down the hierarchy that exists in offices and boardrooms, giving employees unparalleled access to senior stakeholders in the business. Likewise, it gives leaders the opportunity to see the hard work that employees do from all areas of the business. By sharing a project update or success story on Workplace, quiet achievers can be recognised, congratulated and empowered by their co-workers and bosses alike.

Sophie Gonin is a Strategic Partner Manager at Workplace. Passionate about helping customers meet their objectives, Sophie’s happy place is rediscovering the world through her very Instagram-able son’s POV.

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Workplace from Facebook
Workplace from Facebook

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