A case for creating happier work environments

Workplace from Facebook
Workplace from Facebook
3 min readNov 22, 2018

“In many companies, there is still a disconnect between what people want and what the boss provides,” says Henry Stewart, Chief Happiness Officer at Happy, a London-based training business. With 23% of Britons feeling stressed by the lack of support from colleagues and managers, they’re looking for leadership that is based on support and trust — as well as the company’s bottom line. The desire for this leadership style is driven by Gen Yers, as 45% of them feel that the most important cultural factor of a workplace is everyone being listened to and having their opinion respected.

“In many companies, there is still a disconnect between what people want and what the boss provides.”

As a result, the landscape of leadership is changing, and Happy is one of the companies helping to pave the way. After his own bad experiences in the workplace, Stewart founded Happy in 1987, a company that provides IT skills, management and leadership training programs. These range from training on how to use Excel and eLearning solutions, to personal development training and apprenticeship schemes, all designed to help others create better workplaces for their employees. Happy also offers a range of programs dedicated to improving interpersonal skills. These include training on topics such as Active Listening Skills, Giving Constructive Feedback, Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Resolution. In addition, Happy offers a six-month leadership program that shows bosses and staff how they can create a truly happy and productive workplace.

Cultivating this kind of workplace is crucial for productivity. “The cost of poor management is estimated, in the UK alone, at £84 billion a year,” says Stewart, emphasizing how important it is to foster good employee-manager relationships. And considering that 80% of job seekers will research an employer online before deciding whether to apply for a position — and 53% of UK workers say that no amount of money could tempt them to take a role at a company with a poor employer brand — it’s important for leadership to evolve in order to attract talent. Happy provides leaders with the tools they need to improve their leadership skills and create better work environments.

“The cost of poor management is estimated, in the UK alone, at £84 billion a year.”

Happy also embraces its own teachings, having gained a reputation for some of the best customer service in the country - and as one of the UK’s best places to work. As an example, it encourages employees to be open with their managers by creating a no-blame culture: if an employee admits to making a mistake, they are not criticized, but instead praised for owning up to it. The company also practices pre-approval: signing off on a solution and trusting the employee with the autonomy to do the job without having to check in with their manager. As a result of policies like these, Happy has won multiple awards for its culture and philosophy, including the Feefo Gold Trusted Service Award 2018, which recognizes businesses that deliver exceptional experiences. It has also been listed on the WorldBlu List of Freedom-Centered Workplaces.

“Whether you’re looking for more profit or whether you’re looking for a social outcome, happy workplaces are probably the most effective way to deliver.”

As Stewart puts it: “Whether you’re looking for more profit or whether you’re looking for a social outcome, happy workplaces are probably the most effective way to deliver.”

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Canvas8 is the leading consumer behavioral insight specialist. Masterfully combining research, trends and strategy, Canvas8 deliver the inside scoop to businesses about what consumers really want.

1. Interview with Henry Stewart conducted by the author
2. ‘What causes Britons stress at work?’, Canvas8 (July, 2018)
3. ‘Millennial Workforce Report’, AEDC (February, 2018)
4. ‘Why These 4 Companies Are Getting Serious About Their Employer Brands’, Fast Company (February, 2016)
5. ‘Candidates choosing employer brand over salary, finds LinkedIn’, HR Magazine (June, 2015)



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