The incubator bringing the soul back to Chicago’s creative scene

Workplace from Facebook
Workplace from Facebook
3 min readJun 1, 2018

Despite its status as a city teeming with artistic talent, Chicago’s entertainment scene isn’t quite as on-the-map as it deserves to be.

In rankings of the best American cities for creative workers, data from the U.S. Census Bureau didn’t see Chicago in the top 10, while less suspecting cities like Milwaukee and Minneapolis made the cut.

And while the creative economies in Austin and Portland grew by 40% and 22% respectively in the decade leading up to 2013, Chicago’s creative jobs dipped by 12% in the same time span.

“We’ve created a collaborative ecosystem that opens new doors for entrepreneurs in creative industries…”

It’s something that 2112 — the city’s first incubator for entrepreneurs in music, film and creative technology — wanted to change. “There was a gap in the market in Chicago,” says Alex Restrepo, member engagement coordinator at 2112, which launched in 2015. “We’ve created a collaborative ecosystem that opens new doors for entrepreneurs in creative industries where really, we’re connecting them to other people — which is arguably the most important part.”

As well as helping foster meaningful connections, 2112 equips its members with educational programming and mentorship schemes that further help facilitate the sharing of knowledge. “Our mentors dedicate their time to sit down with members to share expertise or advice about their career,” explains Restrepo. “It’s a great, free resource for everyone in this community to just learn more about something they want to, or need to, know about.”

With 140,000 square feet of industry space surrounding the incubator’s core, 2112 has built a physical space within which its community can thrive. Creatives at different stages in their careers, and even from tangential industries, work alongside one another where the mutual flow of influence helps businesses innovate and grow. More established workers show younger ones the ropes, while fresher talent inspires those who are old hand at the game; musicians influence tech producers and vice versa.

“… Possibilities spring up from a simple conversation. That’s how collaboration operates.”

In building up a place where talent can be condensed, consolidated and encouraged to intermingle with other influences, 2112 has created an atmosphere in which Chicago’s creatives can build off of each other’s momentum. “The more conversations you’re having, the more people you’re meeting, the more dialogues that open up, the more potential there is,” says Restrepo. “Whether for work, partnerships or completely unforetold opportunities. These possibilities spring up from a simple conversation. That’s how collaboration operates.”

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