John Barrows Sales Training Now Available in WorkRamp

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2 min readSep 18, 2018

Back in 2011, I took my first class with John Barrows when I was at Box. I was a newish SaaS sales professional and I soaked in every word of his training. I would like to say he contributed to me making President’s club in my first year there, especially because of my high volume/high output style that matched up extremely well with his pipeline building focus. I still remember vividly when he made me call my colleague on her voicemail and try out my live elevator pitch — boy, did I stink it up my first time around!

Fast forward 7 years and John is the leading sales trainer for high tech companies. I can’t get out of a customer meeting these days without hearing about John coming in for a Sales Kick-Off or SDR team training. On top of this, some of our favorite clients were looking for deeper integrations into his on-demand content. If you examine the sales training market closely, John has innovated in this space not only because he delivers great in-person sessions, but because he’s created an on-demand framework to make sales teams even better after he leaves your offices.

That’s why we’re happy to announce our partnership with John — you can now use his content directly through WorkRamp. This includes his two signature courses, Filling the Funnel and Driving to Close, and includes all corresponding videos, materials, and exercises. With this partnership, you can also customize these courses into the context that makes sense for your team; whether that is during a specific point during the onboarding plan, or a weekly drip out to your field sales team. With one click, the WorkRamp team can import his content directly into your WorkRamp account to start enabling your teams.

John Barrows training on WorkRamp

“John’s track record speaks for itself when it comes to creating, delivering and innovating in the SaaS sales training space. Whether a new or tenured sales rep, his training is relevant and impactful. We’re excited for WorkRamp to help share his content to reinforce the key selling skills that reps need today.”

-Roz Greenfield (former Head of Enablement at Optimizely and Cofounder at Level213)

If you’re already a John Barrows customer or are looking for better ways to train your sales team, this is the integration for you. To get started, contact your account manager or email for more information.

-Ted Blosser




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