10 Tips for Choosing the Right Coworking Space

Peter Parkar
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2018

There was a period, not long ago, when people used to stop thinking about expanding business once they reach the stage of acquiring an office. People used to get strangled at being a Small Business owing to the fact that they would need to Invest huge just to set up an office. People used to set up office in their home itself, and which is quite not the best way to bring out the best out of your Employees.

Coworking environment has forever changed the way startup and Local Entrepreneurs saw getting a new office setup. Following the humongous success, already established companies and Industry leaders have started experimenting this technique. People have been educating themselves with the things Coworking brings to their table. It’s also imperative that one chooses the right kind of space based on their requirements. Following reasons would influence your decision for renting.

Cost effectiveness

One of the major reason you are selecting the Coworking space, is Cost effectiveness. It’s almost half the price for the usage of same office that you would have paid if you are taking in a conventional building. Do check onto various space in your region and decide the one that fits your budget perfectly. With popularity of shared office space increasing, options have also increased multifold.

Get into the space and feel the facilities available

Also, it’s really important for one to go into the building and check whether it has facilities that suit your taste. Check, if the place is comfortable enough for your employees or the future one’s. Do see the table and chairs are supposed to last the long hours you guys are going to put. See if the place is niche enough if a client is coming to visit you.

Check the amenities available

Another reason to look into the space is to find the Amenities that they have with them. Places like a good Pantry, restroom that can be used and most importantly the Meeting room. Meeting room is the place where a good team could be built. It is also been used to have meeting with clients and prospective one’s. Find out if they have good facilities available with them.

Internet Generation needs a good Internet connection

We are in a generation, were Internet has been used in almost all the companies. Whether you run Software Company or a Taxi company or an Automobile workshop, you would need the Internet at some stage of your operation. Hence, it’s important to find out if the Building has good internet connection and has undeterred access to it too.

Take a look at that Contract carefully

Being an entrepreneur you know it’s really important to read thoroughly and then sign on anything. Well the contract for Coworking space is no different. Go through the contract carefully, and check if there are some hidden agendas. Also if they are ready to provide you with trial period, the better it would be. You would get the opportunity to exactly feel the place to its full potential.

The feel you get when you first see it

I know this would sound emotional; then again the feel of the office means a lot. There are places which have good vibes and you would feel it right away. Trust me your employee’s also would feel that narratives. Imagine the place to be your fortress and find out if indeed it’s the right place to be in.

Google the people you are going to share the space with

In a growing trend, Companies with same motto and path are sharing the space. This has been benefiting both the parties and has in some cases brought about the best in them. So do have a little study about your Partner in crime and find out if they share the same bonding that you seek. I would say its better have an office shared with somebody who is also in same field. It’s good to have same genre people being around.

Commutability to the place

The most important factor of all is the commutability of the place. Find out if most of your Employees are in visible vicinity. It’s hard for a person to work and if the pressure of travelling too much on daily basis increases, it would be difficult for your staffs to work at their full potential. Find a place that has good common transport connectivity and is in a centralized location of the city. For example the Coworking Space New Jersey region would have better commutability than rest of nearby places.

Accessibility to the office

Imagine you want to conquer the world and have clients in all the 7 Continents, this would require your operation to be in 24*7. Check if the space provides you that facility. Confirm whether you can come in anytime you want to office. Also find out if the transportation to the office is available all the time.

Security System

To break it down in simple words, until you create a Safe environment for your staffs the efficiency will always be lower than what you expect. Find out if the place has good Security systems available with them. Find out if the Space providers do give you that guaranty. Find out if the location the office is safe to work.

If setting up an office was a hard task, entering into a relatively new concept of coworking is understandably tedious. Consider the above mentioned pointers and revolve your thoughts around your Employees and things that you need to achieve as an entrepreneur. Those exact thoughts would lead you to the point wherein you can choose the best possible option available to you.

Source: https://articles.abilogic.com/296390/tips-choosing-right-coworking-space.html

