BigBasket — Designing human workspaces

Everything Digital | Design | Tech
Workspace Design
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2 min readOct 1, 2019 is India’s largest online supermarket delivering personal and household needs right to people’s doorstep in 28 cities in India! It aims to make grocery shopping hassle-free, easy and convenient.


Company BigBasket

Location Bengaluru

Year of Project 2018

Area 45,000 sqft

Project Completion 76 Days

Unique Solution Beating deadlines, out of the box designing

Background — BigBasket is one of the fastest growing online grocery stores. They wanted to consolidate their 5 offices into one big one.

Challenges — Space for the designing was 45k sq ft. while we had to accommodate 426 employees. In addition to adding other requirements like boardrooms, meeting rooms, nap rooms, and gym.

Thumb rule for designing workspaces is 100sq ft. per person, Hidecor had only 3k to design all the other requirements. All this was to be done in 90 days!

Solution — An amalgamation of technology, planning, and designing led to a design with 45-degree workstation areas. This was implemented such that it brings in more space.

We were able to expedite the designing of this vast space and got it completed in 76 days!

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