Team Workspace0x (Photography by Betina)

ETHDenver Quick Highlights

Michael Nolivos


The Largest Blockchain Hackathon

  • Meeting the wonderful Jeff Coleman upon claiming a United Airlines overbook bounty and talking about rationality, functional decision theory and Ethereum while waiting for later flight
  • Sharing an Uber with the Aragon team!
  • Receiving feedback and validation for Workspace0x, and also knowledge-transferring wherever I could
  • The diversity of my team was SO beneficial for the discourse that I was having. Team member Will designed a worker-DAO for freelancers concept that has a fund for giving back to the community. Betina contributed by debating previously designed assumptions, particularly the necessity of workspace booking reservations occurring on-chain. The discourse developed and matured over the course of the weekend is part of the reason why these hackathons are so valuable.
  • Using Loopy to visualize mechanism design system flows to facilitate blockchain education. This is a visual of Workspace0x system flow. I noticed there is a lot of room for UI improvement in a tool like this. I’ve forked Loopy in the Workspace0x Github repo as a potential side-project.

Thanks to everyone involved and it was really cool meeting so many authors I’ve followed in person. I need to watch many presentations which I missed but I don’t feel FOMO because I already had so many positive takeaways from this event, and I can watch the livestreams.

Denver, its been real!

Ethereum taking over Denver



Michael Nolivos

Writer of code, business strategy and mechanism designs.