December Solstice Ritual: Who Are You Becoming?

Review and Renew with Future You.

Louise Schriewer
Work. You. Love.


Hi friend,

It’s been many months since you welcomed in this year known to you as 2023.

Your life has shifted since then, perhaps subtly, perhaps dramatically. Whatever happened, it’s safe to say that you are now a different person than a year ago.

Collectively, 2023 hasn’t been an easy year. Perhaps there were also intense personal challenges you were faced with. Whatever happened, you are here now. You made it to this point in time. And that, by itself, is an accomplishment.

Or, to put it in Latin:

“Modo liceat vivere, est spes.” (“While there’s life, there’s hope”) — Publius Terentius Afer

Speaking of hope, those of us in the Northern hemisphere have something to look forward to: we’ll soon be getting more sunlight! (I’m so excited for this!!!) And if you live in the Southern hemisphere, you still have many sun-rich days to look forward to.

Wherever you are in the world, the coming Solstice (on December 21 at 10:27pm EST) promises a turning point of some sort. That’s why this whole week is a great time to review and renew.



Louise Schriewer
Work. You. Love.

I love helping people overcome their struggles and have a joyful life. Professional wizard (I mean, coach…) who used to be a lawyer: