Forget Social Media — It’s Time for Communal Media

Social media strengthens mass consciousness.

Louise Schriewer
Work. You. Love.


Photo by Phạm Chung 🇻🇳 on Unsplash

For a while now, I have considered deleting most of my social media profile — Instagram, Twitter/X, and Facebook. While I have downloaded my archives, I haven’t yet hit the “delete my account” button.

Now, I haven’t even used these platforms in years. The people I talked to who deleted their social media profiles unanimously gave me a simple advice: “DO IT!”

And, I can sense the relief I will get from taking that step. Even if I haven’t logged in to my accounts in such a long time, I still knew they are there. I’m still plugged into the current they are a part of, and it’s not a current that’s aligned with my highest good.

So why, then, do I feel hesitancy to just walk away from all of this?

To try to solve this conundrum, I got really quiet and tried to channel some answers. Here are the insights I received when I tapped into higher wisdom:

The Impacts of Social Media

If seen from a higher perspective, the impacts of social media are probably more negative than positive. And in part this is because social media strengthens mass consciousness while individual happiness requires a certain liberation from the…



Louise Schriewer
Work. You. Love.

I love helping people overcome their struggles and have a joyful life. Professional wizard (I mean, coach…) who used to be a lawyer: