Finish your important work in your local coffee shop

Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2017

A wise man called Bill Gates once said:

‘I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.’

Yes, that’s us. We are thinking that we have time, it’s not that hard and it would be simple and easy to finish our work. Having a deadline makes you to think that you have time until the last day and then comes the day where you drink 6 cups of coffees and you haven’t slept the whole night because you were working. Well, now you are going to change your habits.

Can you imagine finishing your work before the deadline? Before you answer this, it is possible.

How to do this at your local coffee shop? In the next lines, you are going to find out.

First of all, change your office. This is the main thing to start with. If your work is flexible or if you work as a freelancer, pack your lap top or books, depends what you need for your work and you are ready. When you’re ready, choose your favorite coffee shop.

Next step and very important is to think fast! You don’t have much time and you need to think of the coffee shop that is the best for you. And by best you should think of the interior, music played, atmosphere and whether it is crowded or not. Everything it’s up to you. Some people like to work in a silent ambient, when there is no one talking around — if this is you, you should probably look for a not that crowded coffee place or in other words unpopular place. If you enjoy doing your work while there are people around you, then you have no problem.

Consider the nature. Choosing your coffee shop, you should consider the heating there and the natural light. Your brain definitely won’t work faster if you are freezing. But the natural light it is a great factor in your process of productivity.

You must have all the conditions to work from your coffee shop. You should check if there is a fast Wi-Fi (if you need it) and it there are electric plugs for your lap top. If you’re working on a big project, you are going to need a bigger table to put all the things you need on it. It is very important to explore your place first to see if they got everything that you need. Look for a coffee shop where you can feel like home.

Control the space that you are using — if you sit on a big table that could be for 4 or more people, don’t sit there 4–5 hours only having one coffee. Be careful of the place you choose. You should take into account the budget that they could make if there were more people on your table. Use one chair if you don’t need much space.

It is not your actual office! You cannot expect people around you to treat you like ‘you are in your office’. You should be aware of your attitude. Don’t get too comfortable and yell on the phone if you get nervous. Respect the people around you — if you need to make a call or you want to listen music, plug in your headphones. And don’t forget to clean up after you finished whatever you were doing.

Try to avoid the rush hours. If you want to finish your work faster, think of the time you are going to visit the coffee shop. Go early in the morning when you will enjoy your coffee and have no one around to get focused more to finish your work.

Leave tip ALWAYS! One of the most important things about working from a coffee shop it is actually the tip that you will leave. Think about the time that you spend there and how the baristas are nice to you. While you are working there, they are earning their salary. So, make their day!

Remember to always be friendly and nice to the others. It is always a big plus if you become close to the people who are working there. You are going to have a friend in your coffee shop if you are going alone — someone who will be there for you if you need to take a break. Not only to the people working there, but also to the people who are visiting the same coffee shop. You should try to meet new people; maybe you will find someone important to you to help you with your work.

Hopefully, you will remember all the things we’ve mentioned here. Now that you read this, think twice and do not wait for the deadline — start working RIGHT NOW!

