Why you should start studying for your exams at the nearest coffee shop

Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2017


Exams are coming. Yes, they are closer than you think. This is the first sign to start studying! But the real question is where to study and how to study. Did it ever happen to you to go to your library and you couldn’t find any place? Well, it happened to me. The library was so crowded that there was no available chair. I had to sit in the hall and to study there. From 12 am to 06 am I was studying on a chair in the hall (happily this story got a great ending — I passed my exam). But suddenly, I came up with a great idea. Why not to study at my local coffee shop?

Have you ever thought about taking your lap top and your books with you and go to the nearest coffee shop to study there? Do you think you can replace your everyday library for this unusual library? I think that you should try it. Sometimes a little step can be a big change for you. A change of your environment can change your perception and your creativity. Moving from silent to a louder place can actually be a good change for you.

It’s time to change your usual library!

Discussing why you should try to study at a coffee shop, I should give you the reasons to do it. So, let us start.

The most important thing about studying at a coffee shop — obviously, it is the coffee there! You can choose your favorite coffee and drink it in a pleasant ambient. It is scientifically proved that a cup of coffee can boost your concentration and memory. The caffeine in the coffee can help your mood. In conclusion, you are going to be more focused if you drink coffee. In my experience, a cup of espresso helps me a lot.

Choose the coffee shop that suits you the best! There are coffee shops which are made for those like us. They are cozy, with great atmosphere and music for relaxation. Those coffee shops are decorated in that way to make you feel like you study at a library. Bookshelves around you, pictures and quotes on the walls. It really feels like home.

Cozy and big place

You need to use the natural light! Yes, it is definitely better to study outside. You know that no light can replace the natural light. It has been proven that the natural light help people to be more productive and happier. Beside the light, you are going to breath the outside air which will bring freshness to your ambient, it will help you to clear your mind and learn things in the right way.

Are you getting hungry? No problem! You can get anything you want, the only thing you should do is to look at the menu, decide what you are going to eat and order it. Talking about eating, you must not forget to eat your breakfast before you start studying! That is how you are going to activate your brain in the first place.

Here is our menu to help you with your concentration: fish (mostly salmon because it’s rich with omega3 which will help you with boosting your memory), eggs ( they are also full of omega3 fatty acid DHA which is also a help to your memory) and if you have the chance, try to find a breakfast which includes blueberries ( they improve your performance and they’re a great antioxidants).

Tasty salmon breakfast

You cannot procrastinate at a coffee shop! I think that this is the best thing about studying in a coffee shop. You cannot decide to go to the kitchen, looking for something to eat, you cannot turn your TV on because you don’t have one. We always do everything else instead of studying. There were times when I my room was the cleanest place ever because my exams were coming. Sad but true.

There is everything you need in a coffee shop — a Wi-Fi and electric plugs for your lap top (if you use one for studying). But if you need to study from your lap top and from the internet, choose a place where the Wi-Fi it’s strong because it is very important for you not to lose time. You need to get ready as fast as you can!

Manage your time: first of all, you need to manage the time that you are going to need to get ready for your exams. Are you one of those students who study the day before the exam? Well, a bit of wrong decision. Start studying month before the exam that’s how you will have time to repeat everything and you will have the chance to see what are you missing. Then, think about the time you will need to spend at the coffee shop. You cannot sit there all day drinking only one coffee. I think that 2–3 hours at a coffee shop are enough for a day. Beside the time for studying, you are going to have the time to drink and eat something in those hours.

Psychology says that we are more productive and creative when we study in a coffee shop. We can see the people around us, if they came to study or work, we are becoming like them. We want to do the same, to achieve something. We are motivating each other. If you think that you can’t do it on your own, you can always take your friend. That is how the both of you are going to study together and help each other to better understand the material.

The clock is ticking! After reading this text, do not waste your time. Think of your most cozy place and pack your things. Go and enjoy in your studying in the best way!

