How to rebuild a city once famous and today rancid, how can you restore confidence in the future in a historical city? No one knows better to answer these questions than the Mayor of Krusevo city: Tome Hristoski!

Council on Tourism-ECTT
World and Tourism
3 min readAug 18, 2021


We have built road infrastructure, we have faced huge, long-standing problems that were challenges of this local government. We are dedicated to tourism, promotion and attraction of domestic and foreign tourists. In Krushevo we organized for the first time the World Paragliding Championship. Krushevo becomes one of the three centers in paragliding, there is also kite flying, so Krushevo started living both in winter and in summer — we made it a destination for all four seasons, says with just measure Mr. Hristoski.

Today under his watch the city of Krusevo has become a center of tourism development and international recognition for Macedonia.

The city boasts on its rich history being connected with the short-lived, ill-fated, but glorious Ilindend uprising and 10 days Krusevo Republic.

Krusevo: a city that has started a new life!

Lavishly preserved churches and monasteries are surrounding the city, transforming it into a beacon of religion and traditional art.

And is practically a trope to remember the city as the funeral repository of the body of Nikola Karev, the Macedonian Republic’s first president.

Tome Hristoski: the mayor who put Krusevo back on the global map! Always surrounded by children as it`s building for the future.

The present-day administration lead by Mayor Tome Hristoski has started building on these cultural and historical bases by refurbishing the Ilinden Museum and Museum of National Liberation Struggle and supporting the updating of Makedonium Museum, Foundry Musem and creating the Ilinden Park as an ethno-city center drawing energy and recognition from the regional ethnic melting-pot and a string of famed celebrations such as: 10 days of the Krusevo Republic, Transfiguration celebrations, Vlah Festivals, Blagorodnita-celebrations of the Holy Mother of God etc.

Mayor Tome Hristoski had also put a bet on developing the city tourism not only on cultural, ethnographic, and historical riches but also as a winter sports centre.

Snow, perfect ski lanes, and cable cars are creating an appealing offer for tourists choosing Krusevo as a winter sports destination.

The tourism development strategy of Krusevo Municipality received a brilliant endorsement by the city recognized as a SAFE TOURIST DESTINATION!

Recently the Krusevo Municipality was recognized by European Council on Tourism and Trade as the first city in Macedonia to be registered for two years as a SAFE TOURIST DESTINATION during the Covid-19 pandemic for GOOD PRACTICES AND HYGIENE in combating Covid-19.

This seal of excellence is destined to bring relaxation to tourists and to support tourism development as recent studies showed that 80% of tourists choose only certified safe destinations during pandemics.

The certification comes in the heels of older administration preoccupations on the field of public health with generous initiatives of Mayor Tome Hristoski like the free distribution of masks, gloves and sanitary products necessary for combating and controlling diseases in the area.

Today Krusevo is blending in an attractive manner the fabulous historical troves of the past with a dynamic and vibrant city future-oriented and respectful of the urban tradition of cultural mixing and openness.

In the words of Mayor Tome Hristoski: The Krusevo that we want to build is young and prosperous, but with respect for the past generation and their role.

We inherited a city central to Macedonian history and we ambition to continue our role in shaping Macedonia’s future.

With such powerful and efficient leaders, Krusevo is promising to continue his rise among the models’ cities in Macedonia and the Balkans.



Council on Tourism-ECTT
World and Tourism

World Tourism Institution of European Council on Tourism and Trade is focused on promoting culture and tourism as tools for development and cooperation