World Community Games “ver2.0”

World Community Game Project
14 min readFeb 29, 2024

Ring Link Park Project

The Ring Link Park Project is a measure of version 2.0 of the World Community Game Project.

As an initiative for the Ring Link Park Project, we are planning to release information on the following two points in the future.

Refactoring & Update

In version 1.0, we spent about half a year creating 100 games. In version 2.0, we will be refactoring scripts and updating the system, such as removing the concept of game clear as much as possible and allowing the game to end at any time, while using the 100 games we have created so far.

Creating Mini Game Arrangement Version for Creator Theme Park

As version 2.0, we are planning to challenge the creation of a theme park game focusing on specific creators while utilizing the mini games that have been refactored and updated. In this creator theme park, we plan to include an arranged version of the mini game that has been refactored and updated to version 2.0, using only the works of the target creator.

In addition to the works of the creators, we will use materials such as preset materials included in the production tool by default, and BGM and 3D models that I have created.

The content of the initiative may change in the middle depending on future activities.

Therefore, starting from August, we will be updating the information of version 2.0 of the mini games we have created in the past, starting with #01 Chiril concentration, in the form of additional updates to each game detail story.

I will announce the updated story on this story, so we hope you will check it regularly.

What I Want to Achieve

Connection and Learning

The theme of the World Community Game Project is “Connection and Learning”. This theme includes not only direct connections but also indirect connections that support creators’ creative activities and cultural exchanges.

The reason why I started creating games with this theme is that, even in 2024, the “division of the world” is accelerating and deepening. Even if it was indirect, I wanted to create a peaceful world where people around the world are connected, at least within the world of games. That’s why I founded this project.

Therefore, I have no intention of selling or publicly releasing the game itself of this World Community Game on game distribution sites or the like.

Basically, I provide the game to the creators who have allowed me to use their works, and I ask the creators themselves to provide and share the game with their close followers, such as family and friends, so that they can enjoy it within the community.

However, I do sell titles that only include games that do not use the works of creators from around the world, such as games made only with preset materials from game production tools.

Community of Individual Creators

When developing a game with multiple people, it is common to form a team and proceed with development. However, I don’t want a development system where development costs and energy consumption are concentrated in one place, such as always developing with the same team members. Instead, I want to build a community of individual creators through a method of distributed development, where individual creators collaborate as much as necessary when they want via the internet, and proceed with development while dispersing development costs and energy consumption.

*This article has been created by using translation software to translate Japanese text into English.

List of Games Produced in the World Community Game Project


101 stories


If anyone could support the activities of the World Community Game Project, we would greatly appreciate it!



  • Completed the release of information for 100 mini-games that were produced
  • Started game production for specific creators with whom there is interaction, and as the first initiative,
  • started game production using the works of the illustrator ‘Kuroro’ Number of mini-games produced in Kuroro’s game (8 works)
  • Started producing image BGM for the fantasy novel ‘AnotherX’ 13 loop-based songs have been produced, 2 songs have been released
  • Produced an image game for image BGM using mini-game production
  • Refactoring & update work for 100 games produced (Completed editing of ver2.0 for 33 games)


・Creation & release of articles for Japan on note (100 articles)
・Creation & release of articles for overseas on medium (100 articles)
・Production of 3D models for games for image BGM video for the fantasy novel ‘AnotherX’


・“MoLa”, who allowed us to use illustrations in the Snowball Fight game, has implemented game sharing of WCG on Ci-en.

  • Used illustrations provided by the illustrator “Kuroro”, who started interacting with WCG, as illustrations in the English version of the fantasy novel “AnotherX”.
  • Overseas exchanges related to the Kickstarter campaign.
  • Responding to mentions from readers of the English version of the short story “I am Rai”.
  • “Mory”, who allowed us to use illustrations in the Rabbit Jump game, introduced the game in their blog.

・Production and publication of the English version of the short story “I am Rai”.
・Production and publication of the English version of the fantasy novel “AnotherX”.
・Publication of articles about charity activities.
・Launch of the Kickstarter campaign for the World Community Game Project.
・Production and publication of the introduction video of the WORLD COMMUNITY GAME PROJECT’s end of February edition (50 titles).
・Creator regions: Japan, America, India, France, Ireland.
・Implementation of crowdfunding for the “World Community Game” project for Japan.
・Game providers (15 people).
(Including) Provision to Japanese creators (12 people).
(Including) Provision to overseas creators (3 people).

WCG game title theme

Concepts of WCG game titles that have been produced so far(5/1):

Concentration, Harvest, Free Diving, Restaurant, Space, Hot Spring, Zoo, Exhibition, Castle Siege, Cat Collection, Journal Entry, Treasure Chest, Tightrope Walking, Shouting, Biological Clock, Perfect Pitch, Live, Fishing, Website, Food Terrorism, Maze, Card, Star Collection, Music Room, Waste Sorting, Worship, Greeting, Race, Craft Paper, Snowman, English Conversation, Sharing, Department Store, Quick Draw, Setsubun, Robot, Valentine’s Day, Puzzle, Wine, Balloon, Distress, Snowball Fight, Jump, Village, Doll’s Festival, Cultivation, Dragon, Graduation, White Day, Mining, Nutrients, Long-tailed Tit, Juggling, Aerial Photography, Crowd, Gardener, Panic, 3Dx2D, Tea Ceremony, Warp, Sign, Barrel, Chinese Zodiac, Library, Medicinal Cuisine.

The theme of the WCG game titles that I am considering for production and planning to release in the future:

Pizza, Guitar, Escape, Golem, Box, Bonfire, Sumo, Cow, Arena, Dowsing, Growth, Dance, Bakery, Mystery Solving, Art Museum, Icon, Catch Ball, Architecture, climbing, Horror, Publishing, Transformation, Preparation, Shooting, Siege, Dating, Boat Racing.

The themes include inspirations drawn from the activities of followers and those who have reacted to my activities. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who has ever shown interest.

About Gameplay

Platform Compatibility

As of now, the supported gaming environment is limited to Windows PC only.

*Support for other platforms will be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to updates in the development tools.

Regarding File Execution

When playing, please make sure to extract all compressed files before proceeding with the gameplay.

Regarding gamepad Key Mapping

While we recommend playing this game with a gamepad, it is also playable using a keyboard.

*Please note that the button configuration may be reversed depending on the settings in Steam.

Operation with a gamepad is only compatible with gamepads that support Xinput.

gamepad : B, keyboard:Enter

gamepad : A, keyboard:X

gamepad : LB, keyboard:shift

・Camera Rotation
gamepad : Right analog stick, Keyboard:Q, E, R, F keys

・Camera Zoom
gamepad : LT / RT, Keyboard:+, — keys

・Text Input Screen
Text: Keyboard

gamepad : START , keyborad : ESC

If you want to play only a specific game

Choose the “全踏破” mode in the game mode selection at the start. Enter the number part of the game ID (#number), and you will always be able to play the game with that ID first. Please make use of this feature.

Regarding the provision of the game

World Community Game is a project that creates games using works from creators worldwide, with the theme of “connections and learning.”

As a token of gratitude to those whose works we use, we provide them with the game.

Additionally, we will soon release information about our initiatives related to game development requests, so please stay tuned for the update.

Regarding sharing the game

World Community Game is not developed for commercial purposes. Therefore, if you want to share the provided game with limited individuals such as family, friends, or followers on an individual basis, it’s perfectly fine for the creators themselves to share it.

would be delighted if you could enjoy playing it together within the community.

However, The permission for sharing the game is granted only to the creators to whom I have provided the game.

Furthermore, since the game incorporates works from various creators, we strictly prohibit public release and commercial use in a manner that allows selling or open download availability on game-selling platforms or other similar sites.

While it is prohibited to guarantee providing the game upon joining a membership, it is acceptable to individually offer the game to followers who have been long-time supporters and have joined the membership in a limited and specific manner.

Regarding posting on social media about the games

If you are going to comment on the game on social media or elsewhere, I would be delighted if you could post comments specifically about the works of the creators whose materials are used within the game, rather than the game itself. This could potentially support those creators, and I would appreciate it.

About Localization

Now, since the World Community Game Project revolves around the theme of “connections and learning,” mini-games primarily featuring works by Japanese creators are presented in Japanese, while games utilizing works by creators from other countries are displayed in English. This results in a format where Japanese and English are intermixed.

Therefore, the World Community Game does not plan to introduce a system that switches all language displays to a unified language. Additionally, we’ve opted for the mini-game format because for smaller titles like mini-games, it’s easier to create a format where players can intuitively play even if they don’t understand the language.

I regularly produce and publish articles in both Japanese and English, so if you’re unsure about any of the games, please check the detailed articles for each title.

And when playing this World Community Game, I encourage you to focus more on the creators and the works being used rather than just the gameplay itself.

Reasons for Creating Offline PC Games

I would like to explain why I am creating PC games in a style that involves downloading game files locally and playing offline for the World Community Game project.

1. Energy Dispersion:

If the game is played online by accessing a server, the energy will be concentrated on the server in proportion to the number of users. However, by adopting a style where you download and play locally, and can share game files, access does not concentrate in one place.

2. Community Games Not Centered Around Me, the Creator:

If the game files can be downloaded locally, they can be provided by other creators who own the game files, without necessarily having to contact me. This can reduce the frequency of focus on me as an individual creator. I want the focus to be on the activities of the World Community Game project, but I do not want to increase my own fame.

3. No Service Termination:

Even if a situation arises where I can no longer continue the activities of this World Community Game project, if it’s a downloadable format, you can continue to play as long as you own the game files. However, of course, this would be within the support range of the OS.

4. Indirect Multiplay is Possible:

Nowadays, you can share your PC screen on platforms like Discord, Zoom, or YouTube live broadcasts and play together. Therefore, there is no need to introduce a multiplayer system in the game, register friends separately, or match. You can customize the number of players and the way you play using your imagination, and use it as a community game with followers connected on SNS that you usually use.

About Game Development Tools

The tool I am currently using for game development is a software called RPG Developer Bakin. RPG Developer Bakin is a relatively new 3D game development tool that started releasing its early access version in 2022.

When it comes to the current game development environment, famous ones would be Unity and Unreal Engine. Of course, there might have been an option to use Unity or Unreal Engine, but both have a considerable learning and development cost to start game production. I judged that it would be difficult to progress from starting to use the tool as an individual to developing a 3D game and building it into a game file in a short time of about 2–3 hours.

Especially, I don’t feel like I can develop a game in a short time using Unreal Engine.

What I value most when starting something new is to increase the number of outputs and accumulate experience points as much as possible. With that in mind, although RPG Developer Bakin, the tool, does not have complete freedom in the game genre and quality that can be created, I judged that it is the optimal tool at this point to enhance my imagination and ingenuity because it is a constrained environment.

If a tool that makes game development easier than RPG Developer Bakin is released in the future, there is a possibility that I may switch to it, but for a while, I am thinking of using this Japanese game production tool.

If there are people who are developing game production tools and want me to try using their production tools, I would appreciate it if you could contact me via SNS, etc. I am always looking for new creator tools.

Using Games as Teaching Materials

The reason I create games that reflect real-world events and cultures in the World Community Game Project is because I use the concept of gamification to come up with game ideas.

Computer games have often been developed with the aim of emphasizing entertainment and getting people to play. However, recently, I believe there has been an increase in individuals, companies, and organizations using games for educational purposes, allowing various things to be learned through gameplay.

The fact that we can now easily incorporate such game-like thinking into teaching materials is, I believe, a benefit of the evolution of technology, including the spread of today’s internet environment and game creation tools.

Looking back on my life, I often remember unconsciously doing things like interpreting events happening in front of me as game events from my elementary school days, seeking the results I wanted and enjoying solving them. I believe that the influence of playing with game creation using RPG Maker in my elementary school days has established this kind of gamification thinking.

About source file download sites

Illust AC

This is a Japanese illustration material download site. The 2D illustrations drawn by Japanese illustrators are diverse and of high quality. Many of the 2D illustrations that I am currently using in the mini-games I am developing for the World Community Game Project are published on this site.

This is an American site where you can distribute not only game files but also materials for games. Because a wide variety of content genres such as 3DCG and music are published, I often use the works of creators published on this site for content other than illustrations.

If there are works published on the above sites by creators that you would like me to use in mini-game production, please let me know. As for story-based content, such as novels, I have not found a site that publishes “stories” that are freely permitted to use, so I am proceeding with the production of story-based content myself.

About My Name

About ‘yuuenchi’

‘Yuuenchi’ is the name I use to represent the philosophy behind my involvement in the World Community Game Project. In Japanese, it refers to an ”遊園地”, essentially representing the idea of a amusement park.

An amusement park includes attractions (mini-games), opportunities to enjoy music such as musicals, and facilities for dining and refreshments. In other words, it encompasses various contents in a complex manner. Visitors to amusement parks, regardless of their country of origin, aim to enjoy the world created there and can indirectly connect with fellow visitors. This philosophy aligns with my approach to the World Community Game Project in many ways.

If I were to point out differences between the World Community Game and real-world amusement parks, it would include the fact that in real theme parks, it’s not feasible to incorporate visitors’ creations into the content, and there’s a tendency for a large number of people to gather at the location of the amusement park, leading to the concentration of energy.

Indeed, this is a natural constraint. Operating real-world amusement parks requires substantial costs, making the concept of allowing visitors to freely customize facilities impractical. While it might be possible on a temporary basis, it’s not sustainable in the long term.

But in the world of games, it would be possible. Well, if I were to mention something closely aligned with this concept, I think of the metaverse, but the metaverse often leans heavily towards business use, leading to larger development scales and involving many people, which in turn drives up development costs and often results in cases where the provision of entertainment fails to keep pace, I believe.

About ‘yuss’

‘Yuss’ refers to my own account name as I work on the World Community Game Project. In other words, I engage in activities for the World Community Game Project with the philosophy of ‘yuuenchi’ under the name ‘yuss’.

Reasons for Not Using Real Name

Of course, ‘yuss’ is not my real name. Some might think that revealing their real name could earn them a certain level of credibility.
However, I don’t share that belief. Even if I were to disclose my real name or share a photo of myself online, I don’t automatically assume it warrants trust.
Whether someone has a large following or is well-known doesn’t necessarily mean I personally trust them.

Taking a major news event as an example, in the world of cryptocurrency, there have been individuals who, despite using their real names, showing their faces, and engaging with public institutions, have deceived many people and caused them harm.

In other words, I believe that whether someone is trustworthy or not is something that can only be determined by observing their actions over time and following their story closely, regardless of the means they use.

Therefore, I would like you to judge whether I am a trustworthy individual as the project owner of this campaign, working alone on this World Community Game project, based on the updates of this campaign, activities across social media platforms, and various articles in both Japanese and English that I have been engaged in.

The purpose of this project is to create mini-games using creations from creators worldwide, aiming to provide “connection and learning.”
Therefore, in advancing the World Community Game project, it’s more important for the project’s mission and ethos to spread to a wider audience than for my own name to gain followers or fame.

The essence of success for this campaign lies in the expansion of the ethos of the World Community Game project.

Ownership of rights

The copyright of the game itself belongs to the creator “Yuuenchi.”
However, materials used within the game are attributed to the original creators or the organizations that manage them.
For information about the creators of the materials used, please refer to the articles for each game.

World Community Game Project

Support for the World Community Game Project

If you would like to support game development, please use PayPal.



I am a Japanese creator currently taking on the challenge of creating mini-games using works from creators around the world.


X (twitter)




note *Blog for Japan

bluesky *In test operation.



World Community Game Project

I am working on a project to create works based on the theme of “connection and learning”, using the works of creators from all over the world.