Hi, I’m Amrita Saigal and I’m a San Francisco Global Shaper

What’s your name?

Amrita Saigal

What brought you to San Francisco?

I moved to SF in June 2014 (hard to believe it has almost been 4 years!) to help the Google[x] manufacturing team scale production for Google Glass! Before you ask, Google Glass is still alive,but it is all enterprise focused (manufacturing, healthcare, logistics)

What are you working on now?

I am working on a startup called Saathi! We are developing the next generation of zero plastic, compostable consumer absorbents which include diapers, sanitary pads and incontinence pads with our first product being sanitary pads. I previously worked for P&G as a manufacturing engineering for Always Pads and I was totally shocked at the amount of plastic waste our products were dumping into landfills each year (20B pounds!). I decided there had to be a better way to make consumer absorbents with zero plastic and hence set out on a mission to make these products from banana fiber and other natural materials. I dream of a world where we have no plastic waste!

What’s your passionate about?

Outside of dreaming about a world there is there no plastic waste, I am passionate about dancing. I am a trained Bharathanayam dancer (Indian Classical Dancing) and I love to share my joy of dancing with all those around me. I find it one of the best ways to be able to express myself and always enjoy dancing with others!

What does being a part of the Global Shapers Community mean to you?

It’s truly amazing to be surrounded by so many amazing individuals that are passionate about changing the world. Together as a community I am excited about the positive changes we can make in this world.

What is something you want readers to know about you?

I love baking and eating chocolate chip cookies:)

