These are our 5 priorities for Davos 2017. Here’s how you can have your say

World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum
3 min readDec 2, 2016
Join in the Davos conversation. Image: REUTERS/Ruben Sprich

Mike Hanley, Head of Digital Communications, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017, taking place in Davos this January, comes at a critical time for global affairs. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for the global leaders in Davos to hear and respond to the diverse challenges faced by people across the globe.

We are inviting you to engage with the discussion on digital media by:

  • Pre-recording video clips as discussion starters for Davos sessions
  • Debating with Annual Meeting participants through interactive video technology
  • Providing comments and questions for Davos discussions

The theme and sub-themes of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017

The theme of the Annual Meeting 2017 is Responsive and Responsible Leadership, and we will be focusing on five topics crucial for improving the state of the world in the year ahead:

1. Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The convergence of technology and humanity will have a greater and longer-lasting impact on the future of workers and economies than many other economic issues. How can we brace ourselves for the coming whirlwind of change?

2. Strengthening the governance of globalization and international collaboration: Many of our global systems for cooperation between countries and stakeholders were built for a bygone era. How can we build a dynamic and inclusive system to help manage the effects of globalization?

3. Revitalizing global economic growth: Permanently lower levels of economic growth translate into permanently lower living standards. At the same time, billions of new jobs are needed to keep up with demographic changes over the next few decades, and we need to finance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the global fight against climate change. How can we reinvigorate our economies to meet these challenges?

4. Reforming market capitalism: Short-term thinking, self-interested behaviour and corruption are putting the compact between business and society at risk. How can we build on the energizing and entrepreneurial aspects of market capitalism, while redirecting it away from its worst excesses?

5. Developing positive identities through new narratives: Globalization has made the world smaller and more complicated, and many have lost confidence in institutions, and even in their own future. How can we inspire optimism and trust in the future? How can we show what can be achieved based on constructive steps to build a better future?

We are looking for contributors to our upcoming Annual Meeting in Davos. If you are enthusiastic about engaging positively on complex issues and would be interested in talking to leaders from both the public and private sectors about these issues, please fill in the form on this link.*

*The World Economic Forum will use this information only for the purposes of building a public engagement community for the Annual Meeting 2017. Any data collected will not be shared with any other organization or institution or used for any other purpose.

Originally published at



World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation #wef