What millennials fear, nomophobia and other top stories of the week

World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum
2 min readSep 1, 2017
Image: REUTERS/Jason Lee

Adrian Monck, Head of Public and Social Engagement, Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum Geneva

Millennials prefer career and salary to enjoying life. The new Global Shapers Survey is out.

Image: Global Shapers Annual Survey 2017

Big money in the shadows. Where the informal economy is booming.

80% of Indian women have suffered harassment. These police will stop it.

Can’t live without your phone? There’s a reason — and a solution.

Ageing fast, strong money and zombies. The threats to Europe’s recovery.

If AI merges with human stupidity. Dangers of the impending singularity.

Beef burgers for vegans. Bill Gates and others invest in manufactured meat.

Who suffers more from smartphone use than children? Their parents.

When gene testing isn’t regulated. China’s booming genetics market.

Is the world slouching toward a grave systemic crisis? What we call the “world order” is really just the accumulation of local problem-solving.

What brought success to the first industrial economy? Not institutions. Education.

Indebted governments can print money to escape recession. Stimulus beats austerity, but you have to spend it wisely.

Robots are coming — and millennials are pleased. Coverage of the Forum’s 2017Global Shapers Survey. (Business Insider)

What Singaporean millennials want. More Global Shapers Survey coverage. (Straits Times)

Davos calling. India’s Prime Minister likely to attend the 2018 Annual Meeting. (Times of India)

Germany, leader of the free world? Cites Global Risks Report. (Handelsblatt Global)

Amazon’s threat to banks. Quotes Forum project lead on disruptive innovation in financial services. (Digiday)

Originally published at www.weforum.org.



World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum

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