What we got wrong about Trump — and other top videos from Davos day two

World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum
3 min readJan 19, 2017
Jack Ma: Give Trump some time

Anna Bruce-Lockhart, Editor, World Economic Forum

On a day when Jack Ma decried America’s “wasted wealth”, Christine Lagarde revealed her uncanny economic forecast from 2013 and Anthony Scaramucci listed five facts very few us knew about America’s next president — here are a few of our favourite video clips.

Jack Ma: Where is America’s wealth?

In a conversation with journalist Andrew Sorkin, Alibaba founder Jack Ma tackled the topic of US spending. In the past 30 years, he said, America has had 13 wars and spent over $14 trillion. But what if the nation had spend part of that money on its own people — on infrastructure and jobs? Ma also said that China and the US would “never have a trade war” and advised giving Trump “some time”.

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg on fake news

The Facebook chief operating officer spoke about the power of storytelling in a session devoted to “positive narratives”. In this clip she lists the steps Facebook is taking to prevent hoaxes on its platform.

5 things you didn’t know about Trump

The soon-to-be president of the US “could be one of the last great hopes for globalization”, said Anthony Scaramucci, also known as the Trump aide who will head up the White House Office for Public Liaison as of Friday. This video lists the five false assumptions he says we’ve all been labouring under. Read more about Scaramucci’s interview in this article.

You can’t hold women back, says Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

In a session on changing gender roles, the Pakistani film-maker and activist said the ubiquity of mobile phones means more women than ever have access to information about their human rights. You can watch the full session, which also included Christine Lagarde and Cynthia Castro, here.

Joe Biden’s final address

In his last major speech in office, the outgoing US vice president spoke of the peace-building history of the Transatlantic relationship, Russia’s role in the US election, the future of the European Union and the importance of NATO. Here he is talking about the liberal international order.

Meg Whitman on the pace of change

From robotics to refugee crises, the world is shifting all around us and doing so at accelerating speeds, says Meg Whitman, CEO of Hewlett Packard. Click here to watch the full session, which includes views from Sheryl Sandberg and broadcast journalist Zeinab Badawi.

Christine Lagarde: I warned you about inequality

“Madame Lagarde, you came here to Davos in 2013, and you talked about inequality. At the time you didn’t get much traction,” Francine Lacqua said to the IMF chief in a session on the second day of the Annual Meeting. “I don’t know why people didn’t listen, but certainly I got a strong backlash,” Lagarde replied. Here you can see a clip of her speech to the World Economic Forum back in 2013.

Originally published at weforum.org.



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