Play World Eternal Online with your Friends!

World Eternal Online
World Eternal Online
2 min readNov 30, 2022

Do you want to invite your friends to slay some raid bosses and do some group PvP in World Eternal Online? Sharing a referral link is the best way

  • to get friends registered to play
  • for content creators to link to WEO from a video or social media
  • for guilds to invite their members.

World Eternal Online is a sandbox MMORPG involving Factions, PvP, raiding, dungeons, territory control and much more!

  1. Sign up on our website
  2. Complete your website profile

3. Click on referral under account

4. Customize your referral link

5. Copy the link and send to others!

Referring others is the best way to build up a strong guild to take down raid bosses, compete in tournaments and siege player cities!

Sign up for Closed Alpha

Stay in touch by joining 50,000+ others and let us know what you think!

