Welcome our newest hero: Gorefang!

World Eternal Online
World Eternal Online
3 min readJan 26, 2023

Welcome our latest hero: Gorefang! Gorefang is a melee fire tank that is highly adept at taking on large crowds with his deadly AoE attacks.

World Eternal Online is a sandbox MMORPG involving Factions, PvP, raiding, dungeons, territory control and much more! Sign up for the closed alpha on our website!


The man now known as Gorefang had another name once, but the demons burned that away. They took it from him just like they took everything else the night they captured him and began subjecting him to their experiments. They altered his mind, introduced alien reagents to his blood. He doesn’t understand why, or even exactly what they did. He has soupy, hazy memories of his life before his abduction, but for all intents and purposes he was born on that slab, fully grown and screaming with his birth-pains. He was stronger than the demons thought, though, and once he had grown enough he turned the tables, tearing through his restraints and leaving a bloody trail out of the strange, laboratory-like facility he’d been kept in.

Gorefang sought out the low places, the criminal underworld, places where he could go without too much notice. Still, giant glowing horns are hard to hide, and he quickly got a reputation as a wild mercenary, always willing to take jobs too dangerous for others to touch, especially if they involve demonic targets. Gorefang thinks that, maybe if he fights enough demons, he’ll find a clue as to who he was, before he was taken.

Fiery Flail

Gorefang spins his axe in place, dealing 130% fire damage to enemies around him with a 50% chance to inflict burning for 80% fire damage over 8s.

Weakening Whirl

Gorefang spins his axe in place, dealing 150% fire damage to enemies around him, slowing them by 10% and weakening them by 10% for 8s.

Provoking Howl

With a howl, Gorefang increases his armor by 50% for 7s and pulls in all enemies around him.

Desolation Wave (Ultimate)

Unleashes a fiery wave of devastation, dealing 300% fire damage to foes in front of Gorefang and a further wave of 300% damage to foes in a line. Burning enemies explode for an additional 200% fire damage.

New Bosses

In addition this patch introduces the holy wyvern and Hargoth as new level 80 and 90 bosses!

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