World Eternal Online Guide to Heroes

World Eternal Online
World Eternal Online
5 min readDec 23, 2021

World Eternal Online is a new sandbox MMORPG with blockchain integration where players can earn powerful NFTs. If you haven’t already, read the intro article here. Also check out our newly launched website! Disclaimer: Features are subject to change as we test things and get your feedback!

Hero NFTs are at the center of the World Eternal Online economy. With our hero pre-sale right around the corner, it’s time to dig deeper into how they work.

Hero Overview

Many generations of heroes have walked the world through the eternity of time. In the current era, few exist to maintain a thin protective barrier since the last demonic invasion. They are scattered throughout the world eternal, protecting, meditating and improving their skills. Some were born heroes; some were trained, and others have lived for eons since the last invasion. These are the GEN-0 heroes in WEO and they will carry this trait forever.

There will be 40+ heroes at launch. Collecting a diverse set of heroes will be very important. Every hero has different strengths and weaknesses and having many different heroes at your disposal means you’ll be able to take on all sorts of situations. You can always switch to a different hero in-game seamlessly as long as you are not engaged in combat. Heroes are defined by their Rarity, Faction, Skills, Level and Traits! Furthermore, heroes will be able to equip weapons and gear to face different scenarios.

Skills & Ults

Each hero has 4 unique skills that they can cast during a battle. Heroes will attack monsters with an auto-attack similar to a MOBA. Heroes will have incredible skills like calling a meteor from the sky, healing their teammates, stunning bosses with lightning, summoning minions and more!

Level Up!

Players level up their heroes by killing monsters and acquiring XP. Leveling your heroes will increase their base stats which include damage, health and armor.

Equipping Weapons and Armor

Gear can be crafted from materials that monsters drop when killed and resources that are gathered in the world. Gear is never dropped from monsters.

Each hero has a class which determines what type of gear they can wear. Each hero can equip a weapon, helm, gloves, boots and chest armor. Gear can increase stats like damage, health, armor, crit, elemental resistance, etc. In addition, there will be highly valued gear sets which when combined will have bonus effects and passive skills.

Hero Traits

Every hero comes with a set of random hero traits to make them truly unique. Common heroes have 1 hero trait and absorb a new trait each time they ascend in rarity. There are 50+ different trait types that can have different strengths which yields 300+ different traits! Some examples of traits are: 10% fire damage, 12% axe damage, 20% armor vs beasts, etc.

Traits are very powerful since they will scale the stats of your hero and gear! During pre-sale, heroes will have an additional GEN-0 trait which is immutable and carried forever.

Rarity & Faction

A hero’s rarity can be common, uncommon, rare, epic or legendary. The higher the rarity the higher the hero potential. Rarity controls 3 main aspects: max level, base stats and the number of traits a hero can have. Common heroes have a single trait and a max level of 20.

Every hero belongs to a faction. For example, the King’s Arm is a faction of elite warriors the kings deployed into battle to control land.

Rarity Ascension

Heroes can absorb other heroes to increase their rarity, stats, max level and number of traits. We call this hero ascension.

Say we have a hero named Tiberius. A common Tiberius can ascend to an uncommon by absorbing 2 other common heroes that share his faction, which is the King’s Arm. An uncommon Tiberius can ascend to rare by absorbing another uncommon Tiberius.

During ascension a hero will receive a random trait from one of the heroes that it absorbs. When your hero reaches max rarity, they may redo the ascension to replace a trait of their choosing. Different traits will be good on certain heroes but also be good in certain battles to ensure a diverse set of heroes. Ascending a hero with the right traits will require a ton of strategy and will really boost the power and value of a hero!

Acquiring Heroes

Players acquire a random hero for their collection by using tokens in a summoning ritual.

A player that owns every legendary hero in a faction will be able to periodically perform a special faction summoning ritual! This will summon a guaranteed epic hero. If you do not own every legendary hero in a faction, then each legendary hero in that faction will increase your chances of summoning an epic hero.


Heroes that have the Eternal trait are called Eternals. Eternals are extremely rare and there is a very very limited amount. If the player owns a legendary eternal in the faction summoning ritual, then it will guarantee that the summoned hero will have a maxed out trait.

This means owning a collection of legendaries is a powerful asset in WEO. In addition, if you are fortunate enough to own an eternal, then that will ensure your heroes have some of the best traits! Your heroes will help you summon more heroes and better heroes into the world!

Pre-sale Article Incoming!

We’ll be sure to post an article answering all your questions about the pre-sale, how it’ll work and what you’ll need beforehand.

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