A small taste of the real world

Reflecting on my internship experience with the World Food Programme (WFP)

Omar Sabet Awwad
World Food Programme Insight
3 min readJun 20, 2018


As my internship comes to an end and I reflect back on my time with WFP, it is hard to sum up eight months in just a couple of paragraphs, but here it is.

How it all started

I started my internship with very little experience in the humanitarian field, except for a week of volunteering with an organization called Something New that helps refugees settle in the United States. That week of volunteering was the trigger for me to join the UN as I’ve always been fascinated by the work humanitarians around the world do to help those in need, especially in war-ridden areas.

When my father was 14, he had to flee his hometown in Sinai during the 1967 war and at this very young age he had to provide for himself. His story drives my belief that I have an obligation to help vulnerable people and that in any turn of luck, I could have been the one fleeing.

My first field mission with WFP in Luxor, upper Egypt. Photo: WFP/Mohamed Gamal

Meeting the people we serve

The highlight of the internship was my field mission to Luxor, upper Egypt. My assignment was to gather stories and footage from our project and to do a Facebook Live video showing one of the projects WFP is implementing in upper Egypt. I was thrilled to meet and talk with people we are helping. I think there is nothing more rewarding than working for an organization that is truly changing people’s lives, and I am proud to be part of that change.

“I think there is nothing more rewarding than working for an organization that is truly changing people’s lives, and I am proud to be part of that change.”

Left: After a long season of hard work, farmers celebrate the harvest with music, joy and laughter. Right: The sun drying tomatoes project provides young girls with jobs and helps vulnerable communities build resilience to climate shocks. Photos: WFP/Omar Sabet

Hard work always pays off

My internship at WFP has taught me more than I could have imagined. As a Communications Intern, my duties were diverse and ever-changing. Even though my tasks were not easy, and sometimes I had to work during weekends to meet deadlines, I was proud and took satisfaction in the way I was doing my job. I gave it my best to show my supervisor and colleagues that I could be relied on. I wanted my work to matter and to have an impact.

Doing an internship with WFP has been very enlightening on both professional and personal levels. I gained a greater insight into the humanitarian field, learned how WFP is working to achieve Zero Hunger and met and worked with an incredibly dedicated team of humanitarians.

“Through this internship, I have gained a better understanding of my skill set and what I want to do next in my career.”

Coming into this position, I felt that I had no idea where my career was going and I lacked confidence about what I could do and what I am really good at. Through this internship, I have gained a better understanding of my skill set and what I want to do next in my career.

As I leave, I can say that I am beyond grateful. I take away many good experiences and memories that I am sure will help me throughout my life.

Read more about internships at WFP.

