WFP Annual Partnership Consultation
APC 2018: Building better partnerships
Every day, WFP and its partners work to achieve the vision of a Zero Hunger world. Responding to emergencies, saving lives and changing lives remain at the heart of such joint work. This goes beyond emergency interventions, calling for all actors to align and integrate their capacities, programs and investments to generate the systemic changes that are needed for sustainable development.
Held since 1995, WFP’s Annual Partnership Consultations (APCs) have become an important date on the development calendar, providing a unique opportunity for WFP and current and potential partners from around the globe to come together and engage in strategic dialogue.
The 2018 WFP Annual Partnership Consultation aims to bring together the Directors of Operations of all of WFP non-governmental partners. The discussions will focus on both the global, ever-changing context in which we operate as humanitarians and specific countries to draw lessons from.
This edition is about examining the tools and mechanisms needed as we strive, in our partnerships, for effective emergency response and programmatic excellence. The event will also concentrate on promoting a greater collective understanding of how to better protect those we serve while managing risks in our operations, thus strengthening partnerships both at the global and country levels.
To know more about past years’ Annual Partnership Consultation, read the summary reports below:
2017 APC — The 2017 event was an introductory opportunity for Executive Director David Beasley to host NGO partners in Rome. Only CEOs or their deputies were in attendance, to ensure high-level policy conversations and a real opportunity for senior NGO leaders to understand the Executive Director’s strategic direction for WFP. Key discussions included the UN reform agenda; famine and early action; the triple nexus of humanitarian action, development and peace; and the impact of the digital revolution on humanitarian action.
2016 APC: WFP’s 2016 APC was about understanding the impact of recent key milestones such as the SDG Summit, the World Humanitarian Summit and the Grand Bargain on NGO partnerships. With more than 60 organizations in attendance, including the presence of 30 CEOs, the APC welcomed new partners, including members of local and national civil society, and faith-inspired groups. UN agencies FAO, UNICEF, UNHCR and OCHA also joined the meetings.
2015 APC: On 25 November, WFP welcomed a group of international and national NGO partners for the 2015 APC. The purpose of this edition was to seek feedback from partners on WFP’s current NGO engagement strategy. Key outcomes included feedback on engagement plan, capacity building, and joint advocacy.
2014 APC: In 2014 WFP welcomed nearly 60 of its NGO and civil society partners to engage in dialogue on topics reflecting the global humanitarian and development debate. Themes explored were lessons learned from WFP-NGO partnerships in Level 3 emergencies (the most severe, large-scale humanitarian crises), the future of humanitarian action, and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.