Living on the shores of Lake Chad

WFP West Africa
World Food Programme Insight
4 min readNov 8, 2017
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo

When they fled their villages in 2015, Kaka Ali (L) and Kaka Abdoulaye (R) didn’t know that two years later their life would never be the same.

At age 14 and 10, respectively, their childhood is already behind them.

WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo

When Boko Haram attacked their villages, their families managed to escape. They left everything behind but stayed together.

Now they are all living in Yakoua, a camp for internally displaced people, a few kilometers from Bol, the main city in the lake Chad region.

Kaka’s father, 70-year old Abdou Ali was a farmer. Today he doesn’t have land to cultivate. His family relies on WFP’s assistance. Aita Abdoulaye, Kaka’s mother, keeps a radiant smile on her face, despite hardships.

WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Nathalie Magnien


When they were living in one of the hundreds of isolated islands across the Lake Chad, both girls didn’t have access to education.

Now they can read and write.

One hot meal per day is also served to them and 22,000 other children across the Lake Chad region thanks to WFP’s school meals programme.

WFP/Giulio d’Adamo
WFP/Giulio d’Adamo
WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Nathalie Magnien


The region’s displaced population, around 130 000 people, receive assistance every month through cash based transfers.

Both families are eligible for assistance. They have no source of income. The 6 000 CFA Francs (USD 10) received for each family member will help them buy food.

“Even if our living conditions are difficult this assistance is vital for us” says Aita.

WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo


In Bol, it is now a tradition known among the population. The day after food distribution is market day! No time to lose for Aita and Hawa, they are heading to the market with Kaka.

“ For us, coming to the market makes all the difference. You meet people, you talk with them. It’s really nice to be able to buy what you want”.

WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo


Once back home, it’s time to prepare the meal.

WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Nathalie Magnien
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo
WFP/Giulio D’Adamo

WFP wishes to thank the following donors for their support to families in the Lake Chad region : Canada, ECHO, DFID, Germany, Multilateral donors and the Global Partnership for Education.

FOOTNOTES: Photos WFP/Giulio D’Adamo; Text/Photos WFP/Nathalie Magnien



WFP West Africa
World Food Programme Insight

Providing lifesaving assistance and building life-changing resilience in 19 countries of west and central Africa.