WFP nutrition interventions: Keeping IDP families alive in Sudan

WFP and EU Humanitarian Aid provide nutrition support to mothers and children

Ahmed ElTayeb
World Food Programme Insight
2 min readSep 7, 2017


Sudan is one of the World Food Programme’s (WFP) most complex operations, with recurring conflict, large-scale displacement, insecurity and crisis levels of malnutrition and hunger.

Thanks to EU Humanitarian Aid, WFP has been able to provide five months of nutritional support to 86,600 children under 5 and pregnant and nursing women, all of whom are at risk of malnutrition across Sudan this year.

Fatima Abubakr is a displaced mother of five children who lives in Kalma camp in South Darfur. Her two youngest children who suffer from malnutrition are benefiting from WFP’s nutrition activities. Through WFP’s cash and food vouchers, the family also receives monthly food assistance that includes sorghum, oil and salt.

Fatima Abubakr and her family. Photo: WFP/Alaa Keir

“My family and I fled our home leaving everything we owned behind to seek safety away from the terror brought by war. We came to this camp we now call home with nothing but the clothes we were wearing. My husband was very ill and was not doing well. A year from our drastic life transformation, he passed away.”

Abdelazim, Fatima’s son. Photo: WFP/Alaa Kheir

“My husband gave me these three beautiful kids, before his passing and I am very grateful. But life as a single woman is tough, so I re-married here in the camp five years ago and gave birth to two more children. Their father is away for work and does not come back often. He tries his best to support us financially but it is not enough. So I work as a tea-lady in the market, while my eldest son, Abdelazim, helps by picking mangoes and selling them in the market. We don’t make much, but we manage to get by.”

“We have come a long way since we first arrived here.” — Fatima

Abdelazim, and his friend. Photo: WFP/Alaa Kheir

The European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) have played a vital role contributing financially to WFP over the years, allowing us to get closer to the goal of preventing and treating acute malnutrition in emergency and recovery situations, reduce stunting and prevent micro-nutrient deficiencies.

Find out more about WFP’s work in Sudan.

