Guidelines for a World in London experience

FAQs regarding what exactly we are looking for

World in London
World in London hosts


In short, the sky is the limit in terms of what type of experience we want. We want to let your creativity dictate. The more unusual the better in our opinion. Ideally we want to have as many different cultures from around the world represented as reasonably possible.

But to help you get thinking here are some FAQS:

What category of experience do you want?

Broadly, we would expect experiences to fall into one of the following categories. Fusing these together is also fine. If your experience doesn’t neatly fall into one of these don’t worry — just tell us what you are thinking.

  1. Food & Drink
  2. Music & Dance
  3. Activities (e.g national sports)
  4. Guided tours

5. Unique experiences of festivals (e.g Divali, Notting Hill Carnival)

What is the expected location for the experience

Experiences can be hosted in the home of the host, the home of the consumer or at a public venue (e.g restaurant or park)

Who can host?

Anybody can host! So long as you have a skill or expertise worth sharing as an awesome experience. Specifically we think it might particularly appeal to chefs, mixlogists, musicians, dancers, artists, storytellers, performers, sportspeople, historians, tour guides, craftspeople, students. But anyone can have a go!

Do I have to share something from my own culture?

Ideally hosts would share something from their own culture but this is not a necessity. If you happen to have deep expertise regarding a culture not your own then of course we would like to give you the opportunity to share that too.

If you want to create an experience which fuses together different cultures then that is also fine.

What are the defining characteristics of an experience?

We believe all experiences should be:

  1. authentic — this isn’t just a trip to Nandos!
  2. unique — we want experiences which will be unique to World in London. If you already offer a similar experience elsewhere, perhaps there is something you can do to modify it slightly to make it unique. For example, already run a pop up restaurant? Can you do a cookery class with the food of your home culture? Or maybe combine the meal with something else such as a film, a storyteller or music? Get creative!
  3. personalised — as the host, you are the star of the show. People want to meet and get to know you. So please don’t be shy to share as much of yourself as possible. And please gear your experiences in the main to small groups (around 10). That way it is a more personalised experience for all.
  4. participatory — try to involve the guests as much as possible. It’s much more fun and rewarding for all that way. People want to learn, do and make.
  5. quality — WorldinLondon is buildng its reputation by offering real quality experiences. It doesn’t mean they have to be expensive, it just means they have to be good.
  6. safe and lawful — of course we have to keep everybody safe and remain within the laws of England. It means having the right health & safety checks, insurance & not doing activities which may be legal elsewhere but are sadly illegal here.

Can you share some actual examples of the type of thing you have in mind?

Sure, have a look here for some suggested experiences (these are mainly just ideas currently).

How does it work and how much should I charge?

Please read the article here

How do I tell you about the experience I’d like to share?

Please email us directly at or fill out the form on our landing page here:



World in London
World in London hosts

Helping Londoners discover unique experiences from around the world in their own city