Why Is Hunger Still Around?

William Zheng
World Issue Number 1 “Hunger”
2 min readMar 8, 2021


As the world continues to progress, hunger continues to increase in the appetites of many. You may ask yourself, why is hunger still a prominent issue in the world? I believe the root cause of hunger in the world is not the shortage of food, but poverty. For example, many retail businesses would rather destroy their produce than give it away to the hungry. Thus, the problem of hunger continues to grow in the world.

According to “Why Is World Hunger Still a Problem?”, “Millions of people around the world are simply too poor to be able to buy food. They also lack the resources to grow their own food, such as arable land and the means to harvest, process, and store food.” Due to poverty millions of people are not able to afford to buy food, poverty also crushes the chances for them to be able to produce any food. Another reason why hunger is still a great problem in the world is the fact that the world wastes approximately 2.9 trillion pounds of food a year. Also stated on, “Why Is World Hunger Still a Problem?”, “In the United States, the number is more staggering. Some experts estimate that a much as 40% of the food produced in the U.S. is wasted. The problems with waste stem from every step of the food production, distribution, and consumption process.” The waste stems from the entire food production process, therefore the possibilities of loss are endless. These are a few examples of the reason why hunger is still very prominent in the world.

I believe in order to greatly diminish or completely destroy the concept of hunger, we would need to either provide people with produce to be able to sustain themselves or provide them with money to be able to purchase food. We can also put restrictions on the number of produce businesses can waste and instead provide that to people in need of food, which will help the cause of hunger. If people had equal opportunities, I am sure that poverty would not be as prominent as it is in the world. World hunger can be fixed if people cared about the millions of people/children who are starving every day.


“Why Is World Hunger Still a Problem?” Wonderopolis, www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-is-world-hunger-still-a-problem#:~:text=Millions%20of%20people%20around%20the%20world%20are%20simply%20too%20poor,the%20problem%20of%20world%20hunger.

