I am a Second Generation Holocaust Survivor. Let me Tell You About Israel

I am beyond furious at Israeli actions.

On July 11th, 1947, the S.S. Exodus carried 4,500 Jews to settle in Palestine. They were mostly Holocaust survivors, but the ship was halted by the British and returned to refugee camps in Europe. Public Domain

There are fewer than 15 million Jews in the world — of which 30% live in Israel, 50% in America, and the rest are scattered throughout the world. Some 260,000 Jews live in the UK — some .39 % of the British population. In all, the Jewish population numbers .2% of the world’s population.

Some 150 years ago, an Eastern European Ashkenazi Jew by the name of Theodore Herzl arrived at the conclusion that anti-semitism would never be cured, and that the only solution was for the Jews to have their own land. He began to encourage the return to Israel.

Jews had been persecuted for some 2,000 years, and they were constantly facing pogroms and inquisitions They were also forced to live in Ghettos. The attitude towards Jews was the result of early Christianity claiming that the Jews were collectively responsible for the murder of Jesus Christ. This was called Jewish deicide. Jewish deicide was finally repudiated by the Vatican in 1965 when it was decided that the Jews were not collectively responsible for the murder of Jesus Christ.

It is, therefore, easy to understand the influence that Hertzl had on many Jewish families. The return to Israel started gaining speed towards the end of the…



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
World Issues — Politics, Economics, and More

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.