Does Free Will Exist?

Faith Dinh
World Literature (2332)
1 min readDec 15, 2020

Free will exists under the notion that you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions; or, perhaps, even disregarding them to some extent. Humanity has created rules for society: what is “morally correct”, what the majority think is good and bad, what rules we must follow, laws that tell us what happens when we break those said rules. Even following what the majority of society wants us to do is essentially free will. You are choosing to listen to those rules.

Upon receiving your drivers license, you’d have learned the rules of the road. That doesn’t stop people from driving over the speed limit when the cops aren’t there to stop them. That doesn’t stop people from not making a complete 3 second stop at stop signs when nobody are around. Peoples’ free wills really feel more free when they know there are no consequences that are stopping them. But, in the end, there are instances where people don’t care if the rules are there to stop them.

Paradise Lost explores the story of Adam and Eve from the bible and God giving them free will within paradise, understanding that they cannot eat the forbidden fruit. Despite this, they chose, with their free will, to eat it regardless. They had the choice to live within paradise or suffer the consequences of disobeying God.

