ENGL 2332/ Fall 2020 / Syllabus

Brock Kingsley
World Literature (2332)
4 min readAug 20, 2020


richard.kingsley@my.tccd.edu / brockkingsley@me.com / brockkingsley.com

Course Spiel

In this course, English 2332 World Literature, we’ll explore literature from the ancient world through the Sixteenth Century — that will include works of philosophy, poetry, drama, and fiction. We’ll use this class to explore our own experiences (in the outside world) and how they intersect with literature (and any kind of art). We’ll try to take all of this and put it into several projects. We’ll see how it goes and make adjustments as we need.

We will be doing all this in a digital format that, at least for now, eschews the “conventional” class format. Meaning we will examine communication and writing, learning, experience, literature, art — what those terms mean, or can mean.

This course will try to stay curious and ask questions: How does technology change language and the way we use it? How does that same technology change what kind of experiences we have? How does it change reading, education? What do we consider writing? How does where we write affect how we write (think about platform and audience)? As we develop new means of communication online, how do we create ends that are monstrous, or ends that are beautiful?

We will engage our subjects through primary and secondary sources, but also through our own experiments and experience. We will work in familiar and unfamiliar media and come to understand how those interfaces vary our methods of, well…everything.

Required Text

Norton Anthology of World Literature, Fourth Edition, Volumes A, B, C*

Any other texts we engage with (not in the book) I will provide for you

*the majority (maybe all?) of the work we read is available online

The Work (Projects)

This course will be about “figuring things out” more than following instructions. We’ll be writing posts on Medium, commenting on each other’s work, engaging in other activities, and having discussions (if only in a virtual setting). Some projects will be more structured than others; some will appear to have no structure at all. Know that if instructions are vague, it’s because they are intended to be.

Also, know that it’s okay to be confused, feel stuck, or feel lost. Ask questions, ask lots of them, ask them whenever you have them..

  • Medium Much of our written work will be posted on the publishing site Medium. This is a public site — people will be able to read your work. I happen to think there is educational value in that. If you’re uncomfortable with your work being readily available, I encourage you to adopt a pseudonym — a pen name, or write anonymously.
  • Slack We’ll use Slack to stay in constant contact. There will be some “assigned” postings to Slack, but you should feel free to use the app to reach out at any time. It is a place for conversation, for discussion, for asking questions, asking for help, or just saying “hi.”
  • Other Projects There will be other projects, too, throughout the term. Project guidelines are on the class schedule.


While final product is important, this course is much more focused on process — what we learn as we continue to work. You will receive a final grade, but I will not be grading individual projects. Instead, I’ll be providing comments, feedback, and questions that engage your work rather than pass judgment on it. Each project will receive a “complete” or “incomplete” marking in the grade book on Blackboard. If you do the project, you receive full credit; if you do not do the project, you receive no credit.

Your final grade will be determined with your input using the grading narrative on this site.


You may collaborate with your peers on any projects we do in this course. If you have questions, or would like guidance, on how that collaboration might work please feel free to chat with me at any point.

Course Objectives

In this course we will:

  • Think about the different ways we write; the different places we write
  • Consider our own identities as writers (and people), how our unique traits transform into style and voice
  • Communicate our ideas and continue to work on the different ways we do so
  • Try, and fail
  • Think about the different ways we learn
  • Make mistakes
  • Work together to figure out this new learning environment we find ourselves inhabiting
  • Promote and practice empathy wherever and whenever we can

My Commitments To You

  • I will be prepared for class
  • I will be patient, honest, and flexible
  • I will challenge you intellectually
  • I will hold you to high standards
  • I will do my best to foster an environment that is beneficial to everyone
  • I will treat you as an individual
  • I will never knowingly embarrass you
  • I will respect your individual beliefs, and opinions
  • I will provide you with timely, and clear feedback
  • I will be available for any questions, or concerns about this class, my teaching, or your progress

Office Hours

I will be holding virtual office hours every day from 10am — 11am. But you should feel free to contact me whenever you need via the method you prefer.



Brock Kingsley
World Literature (2332)

Writer, artist, educator. Recent work in Epiphany, The Chicago Review of Books. brockkingsley.com