The experiences with Literature

Evan Velez
World Literature (2332)
1 min readAug 27, 2020

Literature has always been one of my favorite past times, from reading Percy Jackson and his crazy, exciting adventures, to a nice nonfiction about a historical figure. While I myself am a poor writer, these pieces of art inspire me to keep on in my improvement. I came from a very closeted catholic school, so mythological books were mostly unseen in the school library. However, one they never seemed to ban, even for its more adult humor, was a comic series simply named “Bone”. This series of innovative comic strips was one of my sole comforts during a period where a majority of the faculty blackmailed LGBT students and were ill- equipped to deal with student mental issues. While I no longer follow the series, it did help me through very tough times, and allowed me to persevere and become what I am today.

