Why Does Evil Exist?

Nghi Lam
World Literature (2332)
1 min readDec 11, 2020

People in our world not always good, kind, or generous. Sometime inside, the kindness of that person is malignant. Like roses pretty, but if you touch them, you might bleeding because of the thorns. He or she can do anything that spirit inside told them what to do. In life, circumstances arise that feel impossible to deal with. The question of evil has certainly plagued theists, atheists, and those in between, since the origin of moral mindfulness. Evil, or the privation of good, exists so that humanity may choose. The notion of rational action as it applies to free will is essential. Some people did evil things because of their act, thought themselves doing is right, and others are wrong. An inability to choose evil would make choosing good meaningless. Many reasons make that person evil and an act that one might consider an act as a great evil relative to one’s own limited contact with the created world in which one inhabits. A related dilemma, which theodicy seeks to understand, is that the freedom of will.

