Why does evil exist

Patrick Medlin
World Literature (2332)
2 min readDec 10, 2020

I believe that the reason for why evil exist, is to keep the world at balance. People will not fully understand what good and good things are in the world, if evil does not exist. Evil shows people just how fragile the world is, along with how precious it can be. People don’t realize how short life can be without evil keeping life in check. This can come in many forms and different interpretations. Like health conditions, traffic, school, politics, and people. There is true evil and there is the evil we come up with in our minds. People do not realize how good something can truly be until it can be taken away in a blink of an eye. In a way telling people that they should cherish every moment that have in loved ones, things that make them (video games, hobbies) happy. Because, we all have lost something or someone, and have seen whatever had taken that away from you as some kind of evil occurrence. What some come to see as simple obstacles in life, might be seen to some others as a kind of evil that is causing that thing, or situation to occur. With the many different versions of evil, there is different things that it is telling us that is important. Evil shows people what their priorities should be in life. Without evil, good is meaningless. If there was no evil, people will not understand how things are ranked in life by how important they are. For example, one cannot compare something like the value of family to the value of video games, just because each person has different views. Evil shows a person what they should value out of the two. In the end evil in interpreted in many different ways, but is needed for the world to function.

