World Literature

Emily Diaz
World Literature (2332)
2 min readAug 27, 2020

Literature is the expression of life. It is an art that helps in understanding life through the lives of many other people. I think people who see literature as an embodiment of life can love both their life and also literature. I think music has great qualities of healing a person emotionally and mentally. Music is a form of mediation for me. When I listen to music, I tend to forget all my worries, sorrows, and pain. Music is a pleasant sound and is the essence of life. Everything that has rhythm has music. Playing music has helped me become the person who I am by being a release for my anger. Music is an art of sound that expresses ideas and emotions and people listen to music for different reasons. I love listening to music in the car because it helps me to prepare for the day that waits. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me. I also believe that music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions. Whether the emotion is joy and happiness or sadness and despair through rhythms, harmonies, and lyric music shows it. The effect that music can have on our emotions is tremendous, as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of laughter. I believe music effects people in many different ways. To me music is more than just something to listen or play, it’s something to feel. Music is extremely important in my life. I think it brings me closer to my friends and family. I also feel that it helps me to get through things.

