Tourism-Led Solutions to Coral Degradation on the Great Barrier Reef

Could the tourism industry provide a flicker of hope for this landmark ecosystem?

World Ocean Forum
World Ocean Forum


Author: Skylar Collins for Reef Bites
February 24, 2023
Edited by Jill Ashey

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

It is well-known that the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is under threat, but could the tourism industry provide a flicker of hope for this landmark ecosystem? The GBR stretches for 2,300 km off the northeast coast of Australia, making it the largest coral reef system in the world. Not only is it of immense ecological importance but it also has great social, cultural, and economic value. In recent years, climate-induced mass coral bleaching events have led to large-scale declines in coral cover across the GBR. This is bad news for the vast number of organisms that rely both directly and indirectly on the reef, but also for the many Australian citizens who depend on it for their livelihoods, such as tourism operators.

What is being done to combat the decline of the GBR? Addressing the cause of decline through global climate change mitigation may be the obvious answer (and the answer we hope for), but without international political change, this is no simple task. Instead, scientists and reef restoration practitioners are taking matters into their own hands. Through coral reef restoration initiatives, groups across the globe are actively restoring degraded reefs. Recent decades have seen huge growth and development in the various methods of coral reef restoration, but coral transplantation remains the most popular. This involves the direct attachment (also known as ‘out-planting’) of naturally occurring or nursery-grown coral fragments onto the reef substrate, with the goal being to rebuild degraded coral communities over time.

However, coral reef restoration is extremely costly and time-consuming, and the short-term nature of most reef restoration efforts (< 1.5 years) combined with the slow-growing nature of corals makes any substantial increase in coral cover difficult to achieve on a large scale. To combat these restraints, the ‘Coral Nurture Program’(CNP), a partnership between scientists and tourism operators on the GBR, developed a physical attachment device — the Coralclip®. This low-cost, fast deployment technique was created to integrate reef restoration as a site stewardship practice in specific areas within the GBR.

A recently published study from CNP scientists using the Coralclip® found that coral transplantation by tourism operators over the previous two years on the GBR had variable effects between the six study areas.

One study site, Upolu Reef, found significant increases in hard coral cover almost 2.5 times higher in the out-planting sites versus the control site. Upolu initially had the lowest hard coral cover, so natural recovery rates were likely to be low. Given these low recovery rates, it may not be surprising that out-planting activities had the greatest effect here. Two other sites, More Reef and Opal Reef did see increases in hard coral cover but not to a significant extent. Increases were not observed at the remaining three reefs. The findings suggest that through this method, increasing out-planting intensity can–but not always–increase hard coral cover in out-planting sites over two years. The outcomes may depend on the initial state of the reef, and the success of this method of coral restoration may be improved by focusing on sites where natural coral cover is especially low. The potential for tourism operators to aid the restoration of reefs at specific sites, particularly where natural recovery is low, has been demonstrated, and further research in this area may look to measure other important elements of restoration ‘success’, including both ecological and socio-economic outcomes.

For source material please visit ReefBites.

“Reefbites is an ICRS Student and Early Career Chapter initiative that started in the beginning of 2018 by then Co-Chair Sandra Schleier and member Maha Cziesielski. The blog is part of the Chapter’s commitment to facilitate education, outreach, and science communication of marine science, providing a platform for graduate students and early career scientists to communicate their reef science to the general public. Reefbites is also a sister site to a growing number of science blogs written by students — for all audiences (collectively known as the ScienceBites family). Along with a number of writers and editors, who are the drivers of this SciComm project, the blog is curated by a dedicated team of volunteer staff.”



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