Future of Cognitive Business

Fredrik Stenbeck
3 min readFeb 11, 2016


Cognitive is still a new word and for an explanation I have alredy written several posts on the topic, but in the “What is Cognitive” the word and meaning is described pretty digested.

Lets start with a glimpse of how it will be. It is mainly about 4 things:

  1. Collaboration between humans and computers.
  2. It is about cumputers learning, reason and understanding what it sees, hears and reads.
  3. It is about having real-time access to all needed information and never miss or forget that information.
  4. It is about making the right decisions faster, based on the right information.

The case illustrated in the video can easily be applied to other areas as well. Think product development and research, think sales meetings, thing building a business case for a client.

Most of these cognitive solutions are available today

So what are you waiting for, lets start to build this for your company.

Wait, you do not believe me when I say it can be done today? Well do take a look at the below video and watch it in a none cartoonish, but very real life environment. Say hello to CELIA!

I would say that the two videos above are the main reason I am so absorbed by IBM Watson and Cognitive Business. I will start a serie of posts on use cases similar or different from above, but how cognitive business will change the business world we live in today. We are truly in a shift in terms of eras of computing. It might sound like a buzzword or marketing, but regardless of the word or name, the shift is hear and it is happening, computers do learn, think, reason and understand. They can also communicate (written or verbal) in an efficient and understandable way to each one of us, in our language.

The language is probably one of the main areas that is needed to be upgraded for cognitive business to fully bloom. Most services support many languages, but only english is covered by all services and for Watson to be able to communicate with us in our language and understand what we are saying, he needs to now many more languages. Recently wrote a post on what languages Watson supports presented on a per service level for the interested.

And just for the record, I do not believe that AI, Cognitive or Watson himself, will replace humans.

Watson Ecosystem partners important to succeed

According to IBM and IDC 90% of the innovation will come from partners. In Watsons case this is the Watson Ecosystem.

What do the researchers say about the future of cognitive?

There is one guy that has a certain glory and glow to him when he presents cognitive. He also has the knowledge and the background to do it with authority. Do listen to Dr John Kelly, Senior Vice President Solutions Portfolio and Reaserch at IBM, talking about the Future of Cognitive.

The top photo is taken at Utö in the Stockholm archepelago. Thought the gate could symbolize that we now are entering the future

Originally published at fredrikstenbeck.com on February 11, 2016.

