Why is the World Bank
on Medium?

By Elizabeth Howton

World Bank
World of Opportunity
3 min readSep 24, 2015


A woman in a market in Guatemala City, Guatemala. © Maria Fleischmann/World Bank

The World Bank is working toward two incredibly ambitious goals: ending extreme poverty by 2030 and ensuring shared prosperity for the bottom 40% of the population in each developing country. To achieve these goals will take not only the World Bank Group, the United Nations and all the national and multilateral development agencies, it will take all of us.

To that end, the World Bank is reaching out to audiences on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and Flipboard. You can find our videos, photos, slideshows, and podcasts on YouTube, Flickr, and SoundCloud. And now we’re on Medium.

With Medium, we aim to reach new readers — people who might not be familiar with the World Bank and all the innovative things it does to improve the plight of the world’s poor. Of Medium’s estimated 650,000 users, just 19,000, or 3%, were already following the World Bank on Twitter.

Students in a war-damaged classroom in Timor-Leste. © Alex Baluyut/World Bank

World of Opportunity, our Medium publication, will focus on stories about a few of the many topics that the Bank works on: climate, data, entrepreneurship, gender, health, ICT, innovation, and migration.

We know that Medium’s readers appreciate good writing and storytelling, so we’re curating the best of our content to bring you stories you’ll remember: about an Afghan girl who wants to be the best pianist and orchestra leader in Afghanistan, or a Yemeni girl who just wants to go back to school. Other blogs explore innovative ideas and solutions, like using jobs to help solve the refugee crisis, or tourism to boost the West Bank’s economy.

Medium also gives us a way to showcase the best of our photo collection in a larger, more beautiful format. And its social sharing features make it simple for you to recommend or share stories you like.

College students in Tonga enjoy better bandwidth. © Tom Perry/World Bank

The World Bank is not the only international development agency on Medium; UNICEF, the U.K.’s Department for International Development, and USAID are here as well. We share a common intent: to raise awareness and support for our ambitious yet achievable goals. The creative, digitally savvy readers of Medium — entrepreneurs, innovators, and makers — have a lot to bring to the global movement to end poverty and ensure opportunity for all.

So, to our new readers, welcome — we’re glad you found us. If you’ve been reading our blogs and stories on other platforms, enjoy the bigger pictures, and please follow us and recommend stories you enjoyed.

Read more World Bank blogs.



World Bank
World of Opportunity

The World Bank has two ambitious goals: End extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity.