Sharing economy — From intelligent waiver to efficient consumption

Word of mobile
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2015


The world in which we’re living today is steadily evolving. The number of new companies and products gets bigger and bigger, so it’s quiet hard to figure out which things are related to us and how often we use them. Today everyone of us owns about 10.000 items but only a few of them are currently in use.

So the sharing economy is a consequential trend to make use of our limited resources. The ecological and economical crisis in the early past shows: Our way to economize has a very high cost.

What is shared today?

An effective way to generate synergies or even save some costs are for example co-working spaces, especially for small or medium businesses. And since Airbnb, Uber or Snapgoods have joined the markets, sharing has become cool and a lot of people are using their services.

Another big thing is to share your opinions throughout the social networks like Facebook or Twitter to gain the community spirit and force some stirring events like the revolutions in Libya or Egypt. I think the power of connected people is tremendous.

How can Recommendo benefit from this trend?

If you are a part of our community, a recommendation is basically a share of your positive experiences with a company, product or maybe an event.

As you are sharing your information only with socially close people, instead of a crowd of strangers, this information’s relevance to the receiver will be guaranteed.

So how can we make this world a better place?

Let’s imagine a world where everyone is using Recommendo and shares relevant information to related people. Studies prove, the most trusted way of advertising is the personal recommendation of a good friend or a member of your family.

So, what if every buying decision isn’t influenced by a massive media presence but rather to trustworthy recommended quality?

The companies will be forced to invest their money into the quality of their products, the communication with their costumers and not into multi-million dollar ads.

In fact, we don’t recommend bullshit, do we?

With this simple concept, especially the small firm sector with just a little marketing budget, and mostly based on quality, is able to grow and get the opportunity to join the online market and increase their reach with digital word-of-mouth marketing.

Recommendo, respectively the personal recommendation of a friend is the revolution of advertising and we’re glad that you are a part of it. Or hopefully will be…

Following the slogan:

Explore. Collect. Recommend.



Word of mobile

Free mobile recommendation app turning your friends into your remote eyes and ears on the hunt for great brands, products and events.