10 Ways to Quiet Your Mind

Pamela Landolt Green
World Of Wellness
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2024


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The angels are nudging me to share an important message with you. They’re concerned about the struggle many people face in quieting their minds. This impedes their ability to experience true relaxation. The angels emphasize the importance of prioritizing mental and emotional well-being by setting aside time for oneself. Additionally, the angels tell us that by quieting the mind, we are more receptive to their guidance, especially when requesting their help.

Childhood Freedom vs Adult Responsibility

Reflecting on your childhood memories, do you recall spending time gazing at the clouds? I remember lying on the grass, hands behind my head, looking up at the clouds in the sky and letting my imagination run wild. I would envision the cloud formations as different animals, funny faces, odd objects, and all sorts of different shapes! As children, we had the luxury of time to play and explore our imaginations. Do you remember?

Unfortunately, as adults, playtime is often limited, if it exists at all. Leisure activities such as cloud gazing are often overshadowed by adult responsibilities. What a shame!

However, the angels are guiding you here, and if you can carve out even just a little time, they will help you remember what it was like to enjoy life.



Pamela Landolt Green
World Of Wellness

I'm devoted to helping individuals on their journey of self-care which may include fostering beautiful connections with the Angels.