Introduction to the Chakras

A Guide for the Beginner or Curious

Pamela Landolt Green
World Of Wellness
Published in
7 min readMay 18, 2024


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Are you overwhelmed, jealous, or extremely tired? These are indicators that your Chakras are out of balance. The following three scenarios will illustrate this — and by continuing to read, you’ll find out what you can do about it. (This article is intended for the novice — the person just learning, curious, or just wanting to know more about the Chakras. Enjoy!)

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Scenario # 1: You’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s too much to do and not enough time to do everything. You either exhaust yourself trying to do it all, give up and don’t do anything, or complete some of your tasks, but feel like you didn’t complete any of them well. In any case, you probably end up either frustrated, anxious, defensive, or angry. You may find your heart racing and may even experience the physical effects of an anxiety attack.

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Pamela Landolt Green
World Of Wellness

I'm devoted to helping individuals on their journey of self-care which may include fostering beautiful connections with the Angels.