13 Things I Regret Most From Years of Backpacking

“No Ragrets”. . . right? Think again.

Adam J. Cheshier
World Traveler’s Blog


Photo by Lucian Andrei on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the quote from Mark Twain; “In twenty years, you’ll have more regrets about what you didn’t do than what you did do.” . . . something like that (it’s not verbatim).

You’ve read that quote somewhere, right? You know which one I’m talking about.

And while I know not everyone lives a lifestyle of perpetual travel, this list of regrets can apply to any lifestyle. Sure, some of these may not have direct correlation to your life, but if you dig deep, you can link each of these to regrets we’ve all faced before.

Getting scammed? We’ve all been there. Letting shyness overcome you in a social setting? That has happened to me so many times. Not kissing the girl (or boy) when presented the chance? Yep. Been there, missed that chance one too many times in high school.

As much as I wish I didn’t feel like I have to regret any decisions I make, I still do hold regrets. Here are my biggest travel regrets. . .

1. Having one too many drinks, too many times.

This has been a personal regret that I have been working hard on recently.



Adam J. Cheshier
World Traveler’s Blog

Documenting obscure pockets of the world across long-distance overland expeditions. Recently celebrated 7 years of nomadism. https://linktr.ee/adam.cheshier