Travel. Sahara. North Africa.

Camels Lead the Way in the Sahara

My first sighting of these wise animals early my first morning in the desert of Morocco.

Weimin Chen
World Traveler’s Blog
4 min readMay 1, 2021


Photo by Mark Kuiper on Unsplash

The overnight bus ride from Fez was a restless one.

I managed to take the seat all the way at the front with the view through the windshield, which is always my preference for any bus ride if the opportunity arises. On night rides, I can generally expect to see the pulsating waves of street lamps passing by on the highway and inducing a sense of ease.

Not on this ride.

This bus quickly departed from civilization and we were immersed in pitch blackness. The only light came from the high beams at the front of the bus that illuminated the highway stretching out into nothingness. I can work with that. I can also forego the light show and just lean back to get some rest on long bus rides.

Upon settling into my seat to wind down for the night, the stylings of celebratory Arabic melodies punctured the peace. Loud music began playing at a volume just high enough to dash my hopes of getting any shut-eye. I…



Weimin Chen
World Traveler’s Blog

Researcher at the Austrian Economics Center writing about global affairs, history, economics, travel IG: funboatdiplomat Email: