Edinburgh — The Writer’s Museum

And the biggest monument to writers in the world.

Neera Mahajan
World Traveler’s Blog
4 min readMay 28, 2021


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Edinburgh is perhaps the only city in the world with a huge monument and a museum dedicated to its writers.

Home to many famous writers — Robert Burns (1759–1996), Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832), Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894), and Sir Arthur Conon Doyle, to name a few — the city has more than its fair share of literary giants.

When you approach the city, no matter in which direction you come from, the first thing that catches your eye is a Gothic-style building looming high in the skyline. I thought was an old chapel. As we got closer, it turned out to be a memorial build to honor the city’s favorite son and noted writer Sir Walter Scott.

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It is the biggest monument ever erected for a writer anywhere in the world.

If that wasn’t enough to excite me, the next day, I found out that Edinburgh also has a Writer’s Museum. Needless to say, I wanted to visit it. It is not easy to locate by, my daughter found using her superior skills with iPhone. It is housed in Lady…



Neera Mahajan
World Traveler’s Blog

Author of Dare To Create, Eight Steps To Be An Authorpreneur, and How To Write an eBook In One Week | Write Your Book with me in 30 days.