Mindful Traveling

Go Travel — You’ll Stumble Across This Unexpected Benefit

It helped restore my faith in people

Caro Violet
World Traveler’s Blog
6 min readMay 4, 2021


Image by Shutterstock.com

Travel is never what you’ll expect. I guess that’s what keeps us hooked. For us curious wandering creatures, it’s the unknown that appeals to our adventurous spirits.

While journeying in a foreign land, we meet people we wouldn’t otherwise meet and catch a glimpse of the secret back roads of their lives and countries. We start the day with a plan and, given the opportunity, quickly change tack to explore a place we never knew existed.

Exploring the barely explored is a beautiful experience — one I recommend every person try once in their lifetime. But there’s another hidden gem I’ve taken away from my travels. A gem that’s equally exquisite and unexpected.

It’s that people will come through for you when you desperately need it, and least expect it.

Seeing clearly again

My pre-pandemic 2019 travels were primarily induced by the end of a five-year stint in a hideously toxic work environment coupled with an equally unhealthy relationship.

I won’t bore you with the details, but these experiences left a lover of humanity feeling used, violated, afraid to trust again, and…



Caro Violet
World Traveler’s Blog

I write excellent love notes; does that make me a writer? Digital Nomad. Lover of people + justice. Remote Work | Travel | Entrepreneurship | Health + Fitness.