I Traveled for 101 Days and This Is What I Learned

If you still don’t love to travel, you will

Diana Bernardo
World Traveler’s Blog


Photo by Lionello DelPiccolo on Unsplash

In 2018, I put my essentials in a backpack and went traveling across Eastern Europe. For 101 days, I crossed the borders of 14 countries, slept in countless hostels, met incredible people, and learned immensely — about the world, travel, and myself.

These are some of my learnings. But one of them is more important than any other: Nothing can replace experience. Reading about other people’s travels is not the same as getting yourself on the road. Still, let this serve as inspiration.

“Better to see something once than to read about it a thousand times”

— Asian proverb

This One Thing Makes the Whole World Yours

I grew up going on road trips with my family in the late 90s and early 00s. There was no Internet or smartphones back then. My dad drove the car while my mom looked at worn-out maps, navigating us through unknown roads.

One day, while driving through the Pyrenees, a part of the map flew out of the car window. We pulled off to the side of the road and ran for our lives, trying to rescue the one piece of paper that could get us out of those mountains.

