“Leave Everything Behind, and Let’s Move to Canada”

A quote usually used in movies/series that makes total sense

Sophie Jones
World Traveler’s Blog
7 min readJan 21, 2021


South Baymouth Ferry — Ontario/Canada| Uploaded by the author

Seven days ago I came back to Brazil, which I love with all my heart. Even though my homeland has so much to offer, I admit that I miss many things about living in Canada.

Have you ever watched a movie and the character said, “Let’s give up everything and move to Canada”? Well, that is what I have been willing for the past week.

The list I made below shows why I am applying for permanent residency in this country. And I am not alone! Only in 2019, Canada received around 341,000 new permanent residents from all over the world, and you are about to find out why.

The system works

It is not news to anyone that Canada has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. The government pays for approximately 70% of health care for their citizens. Want/Need to see a doctor? Pay nothing. Got hospitalized? All your expenses are covered. Have symptoms or got in contact with someone with COVID-19? Take the test for free.

Other services are also very efficient in this country. As an immigrant, I had to extend my study visa. I went through this process from the comfort of my house, and less than a month later, I got the approval. And guess what? I ended up getting four months more than I asked for.

Providing your biometrics is required, and the process is as simple as booking an appointment and spending 10 minutes in the building. These and many other bureaucratic issues are easy to be completed and can be done online. Not to mention that public servers are usually amicable and helpful.

Canada is prepared for the cold

Most people see Canada as a snowy and cold land, and this is true indeed! What some foreigners don’t understand is that the country is prepared for that.

Lakehead University, Thunder Bay/ Ontario/ Canda | Uploaded by the author

Coats and boots are designed to keep you warm on freezing days (such as -40ºC). Every building has a heating system. That means that the only time you will feel cold is when walking outdoors.

The roads are built to endure the cold winters. Snowplows are doing their work 24/7 to maintain most of the streets safe and usable. Most of the cars’ tires are equipped and safe to be used while the road is slippery.

Thunder Bay/ Ontario/ Canada | Uploaded by the author

The stereotype of Canadians is correct: they are very polite

If you accidentally bump into a Canadian, they will likely apologize to you. This is also a scene we frequently see in movies, and it is absolutely right.

People in Canada are very courteous and willing to help. They seem fake at first. If you come from a country where people are more selfish, you may be suspicious about Canadians politeness.

However, bear in mind that they may not be the warmest and welcoming people. I know it seems controversial, but let me explain. They are polite people who do not hesitate to help you if you ask for it.

As part of their culture, North Americans tend to be more reserved and introspective. That is why they may come across as rude or uninterested, but these features are also a sign of politeness if you look closer. They mind their own business and will not jump into your life, except if you invite them in.

Not big fans of Public Display of affection (PDA)

If you are from South America or anywhere else in Latin America, you have higher chances of loving PDA. It doesn't matter where you are or who is around you, kissing, hugging, and caressing is normal and expected.

Don't get me wrong, as a Latinx, I enjoy showing my love with actions and verbalizing my feelings in front of everyone. My social media doesn't lie. Tons of pictures and big declarations are my thing.

But there is something to be said about privacy and intimacy. I have never appreciated these two things so much as I do now, after living in Canada for 15 months. I also feel that we, PDA lovers, tend to trivialize the affection. Keeping your loving words and grand gestures private makes you appreciate them even more.

Maple syrup and poutine, eh?

I can not lie and say I did not miss South American culinary while living up North. We indeed have delicious, rich, and elaborate dishes.

What I can tell is that Canadian cuisine is simple but assertive. I mean, what is not to like about french fries, gravy (“meat juice”), and cheese curds? From a cheap and low-key bar to a fancy restaurant, you will find poutine. This dish may be an appetizer, but also a whole meal depends on its preparation and variation.

Maple syrup is versatile, not to mention yummy. It goes way beyond pancakes. You can almost literally put it in every recipe you desire, from salty food such as roasted vegetables, salad dressings, and bacon, to beverages like coffee and cocktails.

Beautiful landscapes

South Baymouth Ferry Terminal, Ontario/ Canada | Uploaded by the author

Watch the northern lights, visit mesmerizing lakes, challenging hikes with incredible views, skiing/snowboarding/cross-country skiing, you name it. There is so much to see and do in Canada!

In my opinion, British Columbia is one of the most versatile places in Canada. There you can surf, ski, hike, and bike, but also enjoy the nightlife, go shopping, and taste a great craft beer downtown. Incredible landscapes along the way make this destination a must-go.

British Columbia/ Canada | Uploaded by the author
Brandywine Falls Provincial Park, British Columbia/ Canada | Uploaded by the author
Joffre Lakes Provincial Park, British Columbia/ Canada | Uploaded by the author
British Columbia/ Canada | Uploaded by the author
Wolf River Falls Trailhead, Thunder Bay/Ontario/Canada | Uploaded by the author
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Thunder Bay/Ontario/Canada | Uploaded by the author

Not a big fan of nature and outdoor activities? Don’t worry. Canada has a place for you. Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec, and Vancouver are the most popular cities and provide you lots of different places to enjoy a night out.

Vancouver, British Columbia/ Canada | Uploaded by the author

Canada promotes immigration

Canada has more than ten immigration programs that assist people worldwide to move to the country legally.

That doesn't mean that the process is easy or quick. Trust me; it isn’t. As a permanent resident to be, I know how tricky filling all those forms can be. Not only gathering all documents is time-consuming, but it can also be pricey.

I am only about to file my spouse sponsorship files, and it took me about three months to finalize them. The cost? The fee is currently $1600, not counting other expenses along the way.

Please, be aware that this is just one program provided by the Government of Canada for immigrants. As there are many immigration processes, fees, time of processing, and requirements vary tremendously.

If this list of Canadian wonders inspired you to visit or immigrate to this great land, dig deeper and find the option that best suits your needs and desires. Other than that, pack your things and step into the road. There is so much to be explored out there!

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Sophie Jones
World Traveler’s Blog

Ph.D. and so what? Half of me is science, brain, articles, and reason. The other half is art, heart, therapy, and emotion.