ThisTravel. Central America.

Life Lessons from Crossing the Gulf Stream

My Trip from Florida to the Bahamas on a Sailboat.

Cat Strav
World Traveler’s Blog
8 min readApr 23, 2021


One of two vessels spotted on the open seas during our passage. Photo credit Cat Stravino

I had only started sailing in the previous 6 months, helping the real Sailor move his Cheoy Lee designed sailboat, Blown Away from Rhode Island to Florida on weekends, a good way to social distance and be outside, although a tad cold. I still confused “port” with “starboard.”

If I had learned anything in the past 4 years, it is:

Say “Yes”

This applies to life. Say yes whenever possible. You only get one life. Live it.

I spent too long in a rut. I was waiting to live. I committed to saying yes to any and all adventures that came my way. This includes: portaging in the Boundary Waters of Canada, handling reindeer, going to tech school, starting my own business, and now…crossing the Gulf Stream on a sailboat.

True confessions — the boat has a motor and we used it.

I call him the Sailor because I do not know enough to sail on my own; I simply follow instructions. He was acting as the captain and I was the first mate, but as friends, we avoided those titles. This is lesson number two:

Be Coachable



Cat Strav
World Traveler’s Blog

Yogi. Wordsmith. Hutch Pup. Diagnosed with I.O. (idiotic optimism) since an early age.